Transit Cape Breton

Service Disruption Information

Transit Fares, Tickets and Passes

Schedules and Route Maps  

Click to download  New Riders Guide as of Jan. 6/25


Route 1 - Sydney to Glace Bay and Glace Bay to Sydney

Route 2 - Sydney to Glace Bay and Glace Bay to Sydney Express

Route 3 - New Aberdeen

Route 4 - Steele's Hill

Route 5 - Sydney to Sydney Mines and Sydney Mines to Sydney 

Route 6 - Westmount 

Route 7 - Howie Center 

Route 8 - Whitney Pier

Route 9 - Sydney to New Waterford and New Waterford to Sydney

Route 10 - Alexandra Street (New time for certain stops)

Route 11 - Ashby

Route 12 - Sydney to Sydney River 

Route 13 - George Street

Holidays - No Service Dates

Service interruptions or cancellations may be posted on the CBRM's Facebook page

For more information on Transit Charters, Transit Fares and Transit Advertising please contact us at:
320 Esplanade
Sydney, NS
B1P 7B9Tel: (902) 539-8124
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We make it our duty to provide transportation according to the schedule. Unfortunately, there is little we can do when traffic, road construction or weather conditions force us to change schedule. For operational reasons, we reserve the right to modify the schedule. We appreciate your understanding.