Water Utility rates application information

Nov 28, 2022

THE CAPE BRETON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY, on behalf of its WATER UTILITY has applied for approval of amendments to its Schedule of Rates and Charges for Water and Water Services and amendments to its Schedule of Rules and Regulations This matter will be considered in a public hearing as follows:

Hearing starts: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 9:00 am Council Chambers 320 Esplanade Sydney, Nova Scotia

Depending on the circumstances, this public hearing may be held by GoToWebinar video conferencing.

Board Hearings are open to the public, and you may participate as follows:

• You may speak at the hearing. You must notify the Board by Thursday, February 16, 2023.
• You may make written comments by sending a letter to the Clerk of the Board at
P.O. Box 1692, Unit “M”, Halifax, NS B3J 3S3,
or by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or by fax at (902) 424-3919 by Thursday, February 16, 2023.
• You may request formal standing as an Intervener, subject to Board approval. This will allow you to present evidence or cross-examine witnesses. Your request must be received by the Board by Friday, December 9, 2022, and a copy of your written evidence by Wednesday, January 11, 2023.
Additional information about the matter is as follows:

For residential customers (5/8” meters), the current average quarterly water bill is $123.81 and it is proposed to increase to $128.27 (a 3.6% increase) in 2023/24; $125.85 (a 1.9% decrease) in 2024/25; and $126.77 (a 0.7% increase) in 2025/26. Document Number: 299065

For all other metered services, the Utility is requesting amendments ranging from 2.1% to 4.7% in 2023/24; -2.0% to 0% in 2024/25; and -5.8% to 9.8% in 2025/26.

For unmetered customers the current average quarterly water bill based upon quarterly consumption of 64 cubic meters is $166.91, and it is proposed to increase to $168.29 (a 0.8% increase) in 2023/24; $170.53 (a 1.3% increase) in 2024/25; and $177.39 (a 4.0% increase) in 2025/26.

The Utility currently has a two block consumption rate structure. It is proposed to change the first block of consumption from the first 20,000 cubic meters per year to: the first 35,000 cubic metres per year in 2023/24; the first 120,000 cubic metres per year in 2024/25; and to eliminate the second block rate in 2025/26.

For second block customers the Utility is requesting amendments ranging from 15.3% to 23.3% in 2023/24; -1.6% to +16.4% in 2024/25; and 5.8% to 34.3% in 2025/26.

The annual fire protection charge paid by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, currently is $7,076,391 and it is proposed to be held at that rate for 2023/24, 2024/25, and increase to $7,117,265 (a 0.6% increase) in 2025/26.

Upon reviewing the Application, the Board, in its Decision, may determine that the proposed amendments should be as requested, higher, or lower.

To assist the Board in using correct forms of address and pronouns in our hearings and decisions, we invite parties, lawyers and all other participants to share their pronouns and titles with the Board and each other if they are comfortable doing so. There is no requirement to provide this information.
A copy of the Application and any timetable applying to this matter may be viewed at the Offices of the Board, Summit Place, 1601 Lower Water Street, 3rd Floor, Halifax, NS, or on the Board’s website at https://nsuarb.novascotia.ca/, by clicking on "Matters & Evidence", and in the "Go To Files and Documents”, enter Matter No. M10843, and at the Municipality of Cape Breton Municipal Office, 320 Esplanade, Sydney, Nova Scotia.

Further information:  CBRM Water Rate Study, Oct 2022. https://www.cbrm.ns.ca/studies-and-reports.html