Public Safety
Public Safety is a top priority of the CBRM and a number of organizations play lead roles in protecting people and property within the region.

Police Services
Police Services within the CBRM are provided by the Cape Breton Regional Police Service. The Service is a modern police force, which emphasizes not only efficient enforcement but also the importance of working with community partners to prevent crime. The service is dispatched through the Enhanced 911 system from the Regional Communications Centre.
Fire Services
Fire Services within the CBRM are provided by the Cape Breton Regional Fire Service. The Cape Breton Regional Municipality Fire Services consists of a mix of career and volunteer services spread throughout the municipality. The service is dispatched through the Enhanced 911 system from the Regional Communications Centre.
Emergency Management Organization
Emergencies can occur anytime, anywhere. Some allow for preparation; others occur swiftly and without warning. There are things we can all do to make emergency situations a little easier to handle. Your key to reducing the effects of an emergency is to be prepared. We all have a role to play, and CBRM EMO is responsible within CBRM when responding to major emergencies for additional resources and personnel other than firefighters and police officers that may be required to respond in an effective and coordinated manner to an emergency so that the municipality can remain in control of the disaster-response effort.