Call for Expression of Interest - Citizen Representation on Committees
Call for Expressions of Interest - Citizen Representation on Committees
View Call for Expression of Interest
The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality requires, from time to time, the services of citizens who would be willing to serve as volunteer members on various Committees of Council, or exterior Committees to which CBRM appoints Citizens.
Currently the CBRM is seeking volunteers on the following Committees:
1. CBRM Diversity Committee
Seeking representatives from:
Background Information: CBRM Diversity Committee Governance Policy
2. Port of Sydney Development Corporation
Seeking representatives:
- Citizen with Marketing Experience - one year term
Background Information: Articles of Associations of Post of Sydney Development Corporation
Interested in applying?
Residents of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality who are interested in serving on these Committees should forward a letter of application, together with a Resume, noting qualifications and experience in their related field, by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 22, 2018 to:
Deborah Campbell Ryan, Municipal Clerk
Cape Breton Regional Municipality
City Hall - 320 Esplanade, Suite 405
Sydney, NS B1P 7B9
Or Fax it to: 902-564-0481
Please note that these appointments to Committees are volunteer positions.