Public Input Requested on a Proposed Roundabout on Grand Lake Road
The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) is seeking the public’s input on a proposed amendment to the Municipal Planning Strategy and the Land Use By-law which would permit the relocation of Kent Building Supplies to a site fronting on the south side of Grand Lake Road just west of the City Motorsports/Polaris site at 914 Grand Lake Road.
In addition to having to amend the zoning to permit a Kent Building Supplies, the Municipal Planning Strategy needs to be amended to permit this business development to be accessed via a roundabout located on Grand Lake Road. The CBRM is requesting the public’s input on this proposed change in policy via an online survey.
This survey will be available until May 21, 2018

Background information:
The Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) and the Province previously commissioned a traffic study to recommend how both levels of Government can manage the flow of motor vehicle traffic along Grand Lake Road/Sydney Road between Sydney and Glace Bay, because two conflicting uses of this corridor:
• as a commuter route between the two largest urban communities in the CBRM; and
• as a highly sought out business development corridor because of its significant volumes of traffic.
Based on the recommendation of this study, CBRM’s Municipal Planning Strategy contains a policy which states that no new business developments on previously undeveloped sites, or sites unoccupied with business development, shall be permitted along this corridor where the speed limit exceeds 60 kilometres per hour, unless the site can be accessed via a signalised intersection.
The Proposal:
Kent Building Supplies is proposing to relocate their retail business to a site just west of the City Motorsports/Polaris site at 914 Grand Lake Road within this corridor, which will be accessed by a roundabout. Since roundabouts are not listed as an option to manage traffic flow, the applicant is requesting roundabouts be added to this Municipal Planning Strategy policy.
Before making a decision in response to this amendment request, Council would like to obtain input from the public.
Please note: that an amendment to policy would not only apply to the proposed Kent Building Supplies, but also to any new business development along this sector of Grand Lake Road/Sydney Road with a speed limit greater than 60 kilometres per hour.
For more detailed information on the proposed amendments please contact the Planning and Development Department:Call: 563-5088 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.