CBRM Council will meet in July and August

June 18, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – Cape Breton Regional Municipality Council will hold scheduled public meetings in July and August. Mayor Cecil Clarke says the tradition of summer recess will end because Council is moving forward on the significant issues facing the municipality.

"As a Council, we have decided that we must keep moving forward on major initiatives during these months," said Clarke. "We are advancing the agenda outlined in the Reorganization Plan for Positive Change."


Mayor Clarke said he expects a report from the Organizational Operating Review Task Force in early July. The task force, chaired by CBU Vice President Dr. Keith Brown, was struck in March to examine the operations and organization of the Municipality and make recommendations to be considered by Council.

In recent weeks, Council has relinquished the appointments of elected officials to several external boards in order to focus on oversight and development issues within Cape Breton Regional Municipality's organization.

"Residents of the Municipality expressed loud and clear that our municipality must become more business and development friendly," continued Clarke. "We are making the necessary changes to allow for more effort to be focused on the key priorities of residents."

Clarke said that one of these changes is year-round regular Council meetings.

The next meetings, scheduled for July 9 and August 13, will not take place in Council Chambers at the Civic Centre. They will be held in other CBRM communities. Details of locations will be announced at a later date as sites are confirmed.

Council meets tonight in Council Chambers at 6 pm.
