CBRM Welcomes Michael Seth as new Director of Fire and Emergency Services
Monday, November 4th, 2019
The Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) today announces the hiring of a new Director of Fire and Emergency Services, Michael Seth. Mr. Seth will begin his new role on November 18, 2019 and joins the CBRM from his most recent post as the Fire Chief at the County of Brant in Ontario.
Michael Seth is a Six Nations of the Grand River (Tuscarora) band member. He is a graduate of Lakeland College in Alberta with a Bachelors in Applied Business with a focus on Emergency Services and currently pursuing his Masters of Communication Management from a joint program from McMaster/Syracuse Universities. Mr. Seth is a second-generation firefighter, starting with Six Nations when he was 14 years old. He was instrumental in the creation of the Six Nations Paramedic Services as its inaugural Manager and held the position of Fire Chief and Community Emergency Management Coordinator with Six Nations Council. Having extensive experience in Fire Chief roles in municipalities in Ontario, Mr. Seth joins the CBRM from his most recent post of Fire Chief for the County of Brant.
“I look forward to working with the Municipality, the Fire and Emergency Services department and the many community volunteers,” Seth commented about his new role, “I am grateful for this opportunity and will to work with our partners on service levels, while ensuring our number one priority remains the health and safety of the public and first responders”.
CBRM Chief Administrative Officer, Marie Walsh added, “We are thrilled that Michael will be joining our team of Directors and want to offer him a warm welcome to Cape Breton. He brings extensive knowledge and experience and we are very pleased with the outcome of this hiring process”.