Fourth and final round of community engagement for CBRM Forward
April 28, 2023
SYDNEY, NS – Residents have one additional opportunity to participate in an Open House event for the development of CBRM’s new Municipal Planning strategy and Land Use By-law.
Three dates and locations are scheduled:
Glace Bay Open House
Monday May 8th,
6pm to 8pm
Miners Forum
North Sydney Open House
Wednesday May 10th,
6pm to 8pm
Firefighters Club
Sydney Open House
Thursday May 11th,
6pm to 8pm
Port of Sydney Cruise Pavilion
The CBRM Forward website has up-to-date info on the progress of this wide-ranging consultation.
The Themes and Directions report is posted, which presents proposed policy direction.
Online, residents can read the Round 2: What We Heard Report and participate in the discussion forum.
CBRM Forward is a two year process to establish a unified vision for the future of the region through a new Economic Development Strategy, Growth Management Strategy and an updated Municipal Planning Strategy and enabling by-laws including the Land Use (Zoning) and Subdivision By-laws.
The final round of community engagement presents the community with the draft Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. Community input is also being sought on the approaches to facilitating a variety of development throughout CBRM.