Halloween Disposal Reminders


Used Fireworks and Sparklers

Are you planning to have a firework display this Halloween? Please remember to dispose of your used firework debris properly and safely.

Disposal Reminders

  • Used fireworks and sparklers are disposed of in the garbage. Please do not leave this debris in the environment. This creates litter and can be a health and safety risk to children and wildlife.
  • Soak used fireworks in a bucket of water overnight or until the debris is soaking wet.
  • Never place hot or warm firework debris in the garbage. Please wait until the debris is cold. Hot or warm firework debris placed inside a garbage bag can cause a fire. 

used firework debris 


Halloween Decorations

Consider reusing or repurposing Halloween decorations if they have not become worn or damaged before placing them in the garbage. If they are damaged make sure you dispose of them properly. Decorations made of paper or cardboard with no glitter, glues, or ornaments can be placed in the blue bag used for paper products. Decorations that contain a lot of glitter, glue, paint, or ornaments would get disposed of in the garbage.

 halloween decorations picture


Pumpkins & Gourds

The pumpkins and gourds you no longer want once Halloween is over, can be placed in your green cart for collection or in a backyard composter. Please remove any decorations you used to create your pumpkin or gourd designs. If you placed a candle inside to light up your pumpkin, please remove the candle before disposing of pumpkins and gourds in your green cart or backyard composter.

 Halloween Pumpkins



If you cannot reuse your candles,  please dispose of them in the garbage once the candles are cold.

Halloween Candles


Corn Stalks

Corn stalks can be disposed of in your green cart. Plastic corn stalks should be disposed of in the garbage if you can no longer reuse them.

Corn stalk decorations


Hay Bales

The hay used to make hay bales should be gradually added to your green cart over time.  Residents may also bring hay bales to one of the seasonal leaf and yard drop-off sites for disposal or to the Waste Management Facility's leaf and yard drop-off area open year-round.

hay bale decoration 


Costumes & Masks

Give your costumes and masks a second chance. Consider donating used costumes and masks you no longer want if these items are still in good condition. Share them with your family, friends or consider placing the costumes in a local donation bin. If you choose to bring your donation to one of the available community donation bins,  please place your bags inside the bin.  Do not leave your bags next to these bins.  Also remember, if you are bringing your bags to a local charity,  please drop off bags during their hours of operation.  

Homemade Halloween Costume Scarecrow


Halloween Treats

Candy, pastries, and bars are sweeter when you do not litter the wrappers after sampling your treats. Remember our streets, sidewalks, and bushes are not the place to toss these wrappers. Hold onto your wrappers until you can properly place them in the garbage.

 Halloween Reminder


Chips and cheezies are tastier when you do not toss the empty bag on the road, sidewalks, or in bushes. Our community is not a trash can. Hold onto your empty bags until you can properly place them in the garbage.

 empty chip bag


Empty Pop Cans and Other Refundable Items

Empty beverage containers can be returned to any local ENVIRO-DEPOTTM located in CBRM.  You can also dispose of these containers in your container/plastics blue bag.  Please make sure you rinse out containers before disposal.  For more information on the beverage container recycling program visit https://divertns.ca/beverage-containers