Municipal services update
April 28, 2021
Cape Breton Regional Municipality Update
Due to an exposure notice released by the province on Tuesday night, the Miners Forum in Glace Bay is closed for cleaning today and tomorrow. The facility will reopen after that time.
The CBRM Solid Waste public drop-off site on King Street in North Sydney will be closed on Saturday, May 1, 2021. If you have questions, contact the Solid Waste Hotline at 902-567-1337.
Reminders of cancellations, closures and postponements:
All municipal buildings are closed to the public and many municipal staff are working from home. Residents may contact CBRM's lockdown operations line at 902-563-2276 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further assistance.
Service adjustments have been made to transit operations to increase driver and passenger safety. Passengers enter and exit through the back door and no fares are collected. Signage on the bus requests social distanced seating. At this time there are no changes to schedules or routes.
The Great Cape Breton Clean Up Day scheduled for Saturday, May 1, is postponed to a later date.
Council budget deliberations resume virtually on Thursday, April 29 at 9:30 a.m.
Drop-in Testing sites:
COVID-19 testing is underway at the Membertou Entertainment Centre from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
This testing is open to ALL, including children, those who have symptoms, those who do not have symptoms, those who have been at a potential exposure site or have been contacted by Public Health.
Rapid testing is also available at Centre 200, 481 George St, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Rapid testing is only available for people aged 16+ with no symptoms or exposures.
Children under the age of 16 must go to the Membertou Entertainment Centre to be tested.