Port development efforts moving to next phase

June 25, 2013

SYDNEY, NS - The development of the Port of Sydney is taking two significant steps forward over the coming months.

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality has entered an agreement with marine consultants Paul F. Richardson and Associates to empower them to exclusively negotiate on behalf of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.


At the Port Summit in February, the consultants reported that two global shipping corporations had expressed interest in establishing a container terminal at the Port of Sydney.

Also, in partnership with Cape Breton Regional Municipality, the Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority is leading "Project Progress" to complete the next phase of development of the Port of Sydney.

"A Request for Proposals is now being circulated on an invitational basis to parties with expertise on port development," said Eileen Lannon Oldford, CEO of CBCEDA. "The scope of the work focuses on a checklist of big details that must be completed to advance the commercialization effort."

The work to be completed by the successful bidder includes identifying rail, air, and highway transportation requirements; municipal, provincial and federal regulatory requirements on land use and environmental standards; negotiation of transfer of water lots and harbour bed; security considerations; recommended port governance structure; identification of other business opportunities associated with the port and identification of sources of funding support for these considerations.

Municipal council has approved a budget for investment in the next phase of port development. During public budget consultations in February and March over 500 residents were asked about the top priorities for CBRM. Job creation was the number one priority and the Port of Sydney was widely viewed, by a majority of residents, as important to economic growth.

Mayor Cecil Clarke says the Port Summit held in Sydney in February served to establish a starting point and the steps taken since then are consistent with the Mayor and Council's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

"Our key next steps are to ensure our Port has every competitive advantage," said Clarke. "Our negotiators will work closely with our team here in Sydney to ensure our Port is open for business and ready for the demands of the marketplace."
