Port Summit preparations are underway
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Created: Wednesday, 28 May 2014 09:59
January 28, 2013
Public hearing scheduled, invitations sent to stakeholders, tentative agenda set
SYDNEY, NS – Preparations are underway for the Port Summit to be held on February 21 and 22 at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion in Sydney. The Port Summit will cover a wide range of topics concerning the commercialization of the port. It is a commitment in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.
"The summit's purpose is to have a factual and practical discussion about the commercialization and development of our port by bringing together the business, government, community and industry participants that have an interest in the future of our port," said Mayor Cecil Clarke.
The event's tentative agenda begins on Thursday, February 21, with opening remarks by the summit co-chairs followed by a presentation by consultants on the findings of their work in the container marketplace. Following a break, a panel discussion on port governance will take place.
The consultants' presentation and panel discussion portion of the summit will be streamed live online and the accompanying report will be posted on the event's website.
Summit delegates will also participate in sessions on bulk and break-bulk cargo, container terminal and cruise opportunities.
On Friday, February 22, there will be a public hearing at a special afternoon meeting of Council with the marine consultants and CBRM's Economic Development Manager. This session will be held at Council Chambers and is open to the public.
All events scheduled at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion are open to registered delegates and media. Event registration is being coordinated by the Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority. Delegate fees of $100 are charged to offset the cost of hosting the event.