Safe Sharps Program
Safe Sharps Disposal
Used needles, syringes, lancets, auto injectors and infusion sets must not be disposed of in garbage bags, blue bags or your green cart.

What are Sharps?
Sharps is a medical term for a device with sharp points or edges that can puncture or cut skin.
Needles |
Hollow needles used to inject drugs (medication) under the skin |
Syringes |
Devices used to inject medication into or withdraw fluid from the body. |
Lancets / Fingerstick Devices |
Instruments with a short, two edged blade used to obtain drops of blood for testing. Lancets are commonly used in the management of diabetes. |
Auto Injectors (including epinephrine and insulin pens) |
Syringes, pre-filled with fluid medication designed to be self-injected into the body. |
Infusion Sets |
Tubing systems with a needle used to deliver drugs to the body. |
Connection Needles / Sets |
Needles that connect to a tube used to transfer fluids in and out of the body. This is usually used for patients on home haemodialysis. |
Used sharps must be handled properly. Needles, syringes, lancets, auto injectors, infusion sets & connection needles/sets must be disposed of safely in a Safe Sharps Container available for free at any local pharmacy.
Used sharps containing medications may be disposed of in the sharps containers. There are no exclusions for medication type.
Please DO NOT do the following with sharps:
- DO NOT put used sharps in garbage bags.
- DO NOT put used sharps in blue bags.
- DO NOT put used sharps in green cart.
- DO NOT put used sharps in plastic bottles or jugs for disposal.
- DO NOT flush sharps down the toilet
- DO NOT try to remove, bend or recap needles used by another person.
- DO NOT put anything but sharps in the sharps containers.
Sharps can seriously harm people who are handling these bags or sorting your recyclables. Needle stick injuries from used sharps may cause infections or diseases. If you are stuck, seek immediate medical attention.
Safe Sharps Containers
For your safety and the safety of others, sharps should only be placed in a Safe Sharps Container.

Please dispose of your Sharps safely.
- Pick up a FREE Safe Sharps container at your local community pharmacy.
- Place your used sharps into the Safe Sharps container.
- When the container is almost full, seal the lid.
- Return the sealed container to your community pharmacy.
Please Note: The Safe Sharps program does not include used sharps from medical, dental or veterinary clinics, home care professionals or farms. To properly dispose of these types of sharps, please contact the respective professional association.

Sharps generated by intravenous drug users are not included in the program, but can be disposed of or exchanged by contacting either of the following:
Mainline Needle Exchange: (902) 423-9991 or toll free: (877) 904-4555
Sharp Advice Needle Exchange (S.A.N.E): (902) 539-5556
The Safe Sharps Bring-Back Program is administered by the Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia and funded by Nova Scotia pharmacies, sharp manufactures and distributors.

For more information on the Safe Sharps Bring-Back program, contact Divert Nova Scotia at 1-877-313-7732 or your local pharmacy.

Safe Sharps Disposal
Other Waste Management Questions?
Residents who have more questions about Waste Management are encouraged to contact the Waste Management Hotline at (902)567-1337 or visit Educators are available to respond to inquiries from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Monday to Friday.