Transit Notice: Canada Day Bus Schedule

CB Transit will operate several bus routes this Canada Day, Monday, July 1st. Route 1, route 5, route 8 and route 9 bus schedules have been modified to make it easier for you and your family to get out and celebrate this Canada Day!

The July 1st schedules for these runs can be seen below.

Please note that this is a modified service for this holiday and not all runs are operating, only Routes 1, 5, 8 & 9.

Handi-Trans will also be available from 3:00PM to 11:00PM on July 1st. Make sure to call before Friday, June 28th at 3:00PM to book the Handi-Trans. You can phone 902-539-4336 to book.

Happy celebrating!

65267211 2356815221223239 2527485629747429376 n


ROUTE 1 for JULY 1st:

 65279795 2356815247889903 401509588827897856 n

ROUTE 5 For July 1st:

65254731 2356815267889901 6628665869662683136 n

ROUTE 8 For July 1st:

65107106 2356815284556566 1815033611418599424 n

ROUTE 9 For July 1st:

 65010167 2356815311223230 8068392757581840384 n