CBRM Prepares for Hurricane Arthur

July 3, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - CBRM emergency officials received a briefing from the Canadian Hurricane Center this afternoon regarding the possible threats from Hurricane Arthur.

Current projected track of Hurricane Arthur will bring significant wind to the CBRM, with gusts from 70 - 100km throughout the day on Saturday. At this time, rainfall amounts are not expected to be extreme, but significant rainfall is expected.

Residents are asked to prepare in three ways:

1. Tie down or take down garden and lawn furniture, or anything that could become a projectile during the storm;

2. Monitor the news and official web and social media sites for updates - check out http://weather.gc.ca/hurricane/

3. Always be prepared for 72 hours without power or services - check out http://getprepared.gc.ca

All CBRM Emergency services are monitoring the progress of Arthur and are in a state of readiness for possible outcomes of the storm.

CBRM EMO officials will receive a briefing from the Canadian Hurricane Center on Friday and will keep the Mayor, Council and residents up-to-date.

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