Ferry Street Bridge in Sydney closed on Thursday and Friday

Ferry Street Bridge in Sydney will be closed on Thursday, August 2nd and Friday, August 3rd due to waterline installation as part of the Ferry Street Upgrades Project.

Traffic and detour signage will be in place. Motorists are asked to use alternate route during this time.

CBRM thanks you for your cooperation.


CBRM Residential Curbside Collection Vehicles

CBRM Solid Waste Collectors and Contractors use different types of curbside collection vehicles to collect residential municipal waste.


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Construction Advisory: Nolan’s Lane, Glace Bay

Due to road reconstruction work, Nolan’s Lane in Glace Bay will be closed to traffic beginning Tuesday, July 3rd, between 7am and 7pm, Mondays through Fridays.   Work is expected to continue for approximately 2 weeks. Traffic control will be in place; local residents will be permitted access. Motorists are advised to find alternate routes. CBRM thanks you for your patience and understanding.

Career Forecast 2018-2023 Out Now!

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality and the CBRM Youth Council have created a Career Forecast for 2018-2023. It features upcoming careers which will be available at the municipality due to an influx of staff approaching the age of retirement.

Twenty-eight employees retired last year, and half of the current CBRM employees are coming upon the age of retirement. Therefore, many job opportunities could be on the horizon creating new opportunity for young adults and skilled professionals in Cape Breton.

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Loonie Fare is Back This Summer!

Take the bus to Dominion Beach, Sydney Waterfront Festival, Bartown Festival, Makin’ Waves and many more summer events for just a dollar each way from July 3rd to September 1st.

Transit office: 902-539-8124

Loonie Fair

Streetlight Out? Report Here

There are over 20,000 streetlights in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.

CBRM spends approximately $3.7M each year for the rental of these lights.

To Report A Burned Out Streetlight: visit Nova Scotia Power Street Light Repair

You will need to provide the location of the burned out streetlight.

The civic address of the closest building is a good locator.


2019 Scotties Tournament of Hearts - Future Stars program

The Future Stars program provides young champions of the future, the opportunity to experience a taste of competitive curling at its very best and meet with the top provincial and territorial teams in the sport.


Future Stars must be between the ages 10 and 16. There is no cost to enter with only one entry per person.


Deadline to apply: Oct. 31, 2018

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Public meeting: boarding kennel and animal sitting on Keltic Drive, Westmount


Boarding Kennel and Animal Sitting

Keltic Drive, Westmount 

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality has scheduled a Public Meeting to gather input on a proposed amendment to the Land Use By-law which would permit kennels and animal sitting establishments along Keltic Drive.  


Public Meeting is scheduled for:

When: Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Time: 7 p.m.

Where: Sydney-Riverview Y Service Club, 54 Riverdale Drive, Sydney.             

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Wash Brook Watershed Flood Mitigation Measures – Citizen Information Session at Centre 200 this weekend

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) will be hosting an information session this Saturday, June 16, 2018 for residents regarding the project update delivered at the CBRM Council meeting on May 29, 2018 pertaining to the Wash Brook Watershed and potential flood mitigation measures for this area. 

Representatives from both the CBRM and engineering firm CBCL will be present.   

When: Saturday, June 16, 2018

Time: 1pm – 3pm

Where: Centre 200, Main Concourse

Call for Expression of Interest - Citizen Representation on Committees

Call for Expressions of Interest - Citizen Representation on Committees

View Call for Expression of Interest

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality requires, from time to time, the services of citizens who would be willing to serve as volunteer members on various Committees of Council, or exterior Committees to which CBRM appoints Citizens.  

Currently the CBRM is seeking volunteers on the following Committees:

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