Several municipal comfort centres now open in CBRM

January 5, 2018 

CBRM is advising residents that several comfort centres are now open in select areas for residents with loss of power.

These centres opened at 11am today, Friday, January 5th, 2018.

They will remain open until 10pm this evening, dependent on power restoration times.

Comfort centre locations are as follows:

  • Grand Lake Road Fire Hall (850 Grand Lake road) – OPEN until 10pm
  • Big Pond Fire Hall (7193  east Bay Highway) - OPEN until 10pm
  • Gabarus Fire Hall (8785 Gabarus Highway) - OPEN until 10pm
  • North Sydney Fire Hall (14 Pierce Street) - OPEN until 10pm
  • Donkin Fire Hall (10 South Street) - OPEN until 10pm
  • New Waterford Fire Hall (3336 Walsh Avenue) - OPEN until 10pm
  • Christmas Island Fire Hall (8539 Grand Narrows Highway) - OPEN until 10pm

Services will include heat, hot drinks and charging stations.

Decisions for further opening times will be made based on power restoration times.

Citizens who require a comfort centre due to power loss are reminded to only attend a location if you are able to do so safely. Please drive with care.