Water main break disrupting pressure in Sydney/Whitney Pier

Wednesday August 23, 2023

7:30 am

A significant water main break has occurred in the downtown Sydney area. This will lead to low or no water pressure in parts of downtown and as far as Whitney Pier.
Traffic detours will be in place around the Wentworth Park area of George Street.

More information to come.

Transit Delays anticipated on Saturday, August 5


Transit service will experience delays mid-day on Saturday, August 5, due to parade activity in downtown Sydney.
Expect transit to experience delays around 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm.

CBRM Traffic Notice

July 14, 2023 
CBRM Traffic Notices

Prince Street from George Street to the Esplanade will be closed to vehicular traffic from Monday, July 17th  to Thursday July 20th  from 7:00am to 5:30 pm daily. Local traffic will be allowed through to Bentinck from George. The street will be open at night. Staff will be on site to assist pedestrians.

Wentworth Street from the Esplanade to Bentinck Street will be closed to traffic on Monday, July 17th only from 7:00 am until noon. Staff will be on site to assist. 


CBRM Forward public hearing July 20, 2023

July 5, 2023

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality has scheduled a Public Hearing to consider the adoption of a new Municipal Planning Strategy and associated Land Use By-law and Subdivision By-law.

The Public Hearing has been scheduled for Thursday, July 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. To review the proposed planning documents, please visit www.cbrmforward.ca

Anyone wishing to comment on the proposed amendment is welcome to make a presentation at the Public Hearing or make a written submission via email. The deadline for written submissions is 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17th.

Submissions must include your full name and address for the public record.
Requests for further information and statement submissions can be directed to the Planning Department.
Phone: (902) 563-5088
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Free Canada Day transit services

June 28, 2023

Transit Cape Breton will provide free Canada Day service to the evening's festivities at Open Hearth Park. Handi-Trans clients can also call to book.

4:00pm Buses Leave Glace Bay, New Waterford, Sydney Mines for Open Hearth Park
5:30pm Buses leave Glace Bay, New Waterford, Sydney Mines for Open Hearth Park
7:30 pm Buses leave Glace Bay, New Waterford, Sydney Mines for Open Hearth Park

8:30pm Buses Leave OHP and complete a full route back to original locations (start dropping off people)

*Fireworks start at 10:00 pm

More details:

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Municipal Canada Day Events

CBRM Municipal Canada Day event - Open Hearth Park 4 pm to 10 pm on July 1, 2023

Other events:

9:00AM - 1:00PM
Branch 128 Royal Canadian Legion - breakfast, cake, children's activities

11:00AM - 4:30PM
Rose Schwartz Park-  music, games and children's activities

1:00PM - 4:00PM
Smelt Brook Park - atv rides, children's games, facepainting

1:00PM - 4:00PM
Glace Bay Fitness Park - music, bbq, games for all ages

1:00 - 4:00PM
Petersfield Provincial Park - bounce tent, mall of science, games, music, & more

1:00PM Parade through community &Scavenger Hunt
1:00 - 5:00PM MacPherson's Field. children's and family games
7:30 - 10:00PM. Marion Bridge boat parade and fireworks

2:00 - 4:30PM
S&L Railway Station -cake, music, bounce house, bbq, & more



CBRM advancing plans to establish a UARB-regulated water/wastewater commission

June 13, 2023

SYDNEY, NS -   CBRM Council has moved a step forward in the establishment of a new governance and operational structure for water and wastewater in CBRM. The CBRM Water Utility and CBRM Wastewater Department are in process of becoming a UARB-regulated commission named the CBRM Water and Wastewater Commission. 

The changes planned will modify how the delivery of water and removal of wastewater are funded. The new model will be entirely based on customer usage. Currently, the system is a combination of customer use billing and property tax billing. 

“Under the new model, residents will no longer see a sewer charge on their tax bill.  The cost of wastewater collection and treatment services will appear as a separate line item on their water bill,” said Greg Campbell, Manager of Technical Support Services – Utilities at CBRM. The new Commission will apply to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) to set rates. The next step in the project’s progress is a rate study to determine the appropriate rate for the service delivery. 

The CBRM Water Utility provides treated water to residential and commercial customers.  Current customers are billed by water usage as recorded by their in-home meter.  The operations of the CBRM Wastewater department are supported by taxes. All residential and commercial taxpayers on municipal wastewater systems pay a “sewer rate” of .191 per $100 of assessment. 

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Emergency preparedness week highlights ongoing Fiona-related risks

May 8, 2023

SYDNEY, NS -  Emergency preparedness week is May 7-13. This year’s theme is “Be Prepared. Know your Risks.”  CBRM Emergency Management is requesting attention and awareness from residents about emergency preparedness, especially the risks posed by wildfire. 

To help our community better prepare for emergencies, CBRM Emergency Management has created a series of short videos, located on the CBRM YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/cbrmgov) covering various Emergency Preparedness topics including Before an Emergency, During an Emergency, and After an Emergency.  Each video contains links to valuable emergency preparedness resources in the video description.  An additional video on Community Risk Reduction-Wildland Fires and Hurricane Fiona highlights the importance of wildfire prevention, especially with the increased risk created by the damage to our wildlands from Hurricane Fiona last September. 

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Important community safety message

MAY 2023

CBRM's Fire and Emergency Services and CBRM Emergency Management request increased awareness and vigilance in the months ahead regarding fire safety.
The CBRM community must take a risk mitigation approach to wildfire. Our region has been drier than normal over the past three months. About 97% of wildland fires in Nova Scotia are caused by human activity.

Deliberate grass burning poses a signifiant risk to property, wildlife and human life.

Nova Scotia outdoor burning is allowed only at designated times and locations.
Check before you burn: https://novascotia.ca/burnsafe/

CBRM's burning bylaw does not allow open fires in urban areas (defined as the former boundaries of Sydney, Glace Bay, New Waterford, North Sydney, Sydney Mines, Louisbourg and Dominion.)

Who to call:
Active fire: 911
Report illegal burning:
Police 902-563-5151

Fourth and final round of community engagement for CBRM Forward 

April 28, 2023  

SYDNEY, NS – Residents have one additional opportunity to participate in an Open House event for the development of CBRM’s new Municipal Planning strategy and Land Use By-law. 

Three dates and locations are scheduled:  
Glace Bay Open House
Monday May 8th,
6pm to 8pm
Miners Forum 

North Sydney Open House
Wednesday May 10th,
6pm to 8pm
Firefighters Club 

Sydney Open House
Thursday May 11th,
6pm to 8pm
Port of Sydney Cruise Pavilion 

The CBRM Forward website has up-to-date info on the progress of this wide-ranging consultation.

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