Night of Lights - Canada Day 2022

CBRM Celebrates Community with Night of Lights on July 1 

Building on last year’s “Better Together” digital presentation, Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) today announced their “Night of Lights” event to take place on July 1 at Open Hearth Park in Sydney. The community event will feature a children’s stage, activities for all ages, and live music headlined by platinum selling artists Crash Test Dummies and Cape Breton’s own Carleton Stone. 

“With two years apart in the middle of the pandemic, a lot has happened in the world to change our perspectives and grow as people,” says Arts, Culture, and Creative Events Coordinator Joe Costello. “We recognize the harsh truths that have been revealed, the changes that need to be made, and we celebrate the strength, resilience, and lives of our friends, family, and neighbours as we move ahead together towards a more prosperous and understanding community. It is time for us all to come together.” 

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Company is coming! Great Cape Breton Clean Up is back for 2022

April 14, 2022

SYDNEY, NS - After two years of pandemic cancellations, the Great Cape Breton Clean Up is back and scheduled for Saturday, April 30.

The first cruise ship of the season at the Port of Sydney arrives on May 1.

“May represents a new turn in our pandemic journey with tourists arriving back in our community,” said Mayor Amanda McDougall. “We can get ready by doing the clean ups around our own properties and also in our neighbourhoods.”

Residents are asked to register online to reserve a safety t-shirt courtesy of Sydney Credit Union and enter a draw to win great prizes. www.cbrm.ns.ca/cleanup 

Many Fire Departments across the municipality are participating as locations to pick up bags and gloves.

Several municipal departments are involved including Fire and Emergency Services, Solid Waste, Public Works, Recreation and Police.

Participants are instructed to call 311 if sharps are discovered.  The locations of sharps will be relayed back to police and handled by professionals. 

The litter clean up day mobilizes hundreds of residents across the municipality and thousands of bags of litter are removed from neighbourhoods. 

CBRM Forward starts next phase

April 14, 2022

SYDNEY, NS - The public consultation on CBRM's future development resumes next week. The public are invited to Open House sessions on April 19 at the Glace Bay Miners Forum, April 20 at North Sydney Firemen's Club and April 21 at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion. All sessions are from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

These open house sessions will provide the public with an opportunity to review the draft approach to land use and provide feedback on the draft vision for the CBRM over the next 25 years. 

There are several opportunities to engage on the www.cbrmforward.ca website.  The website asks, “Do you think the growth centres and intensification areas are located in the right place? View and engage with the Regional Structure Interactive Map to tell us what you think!” 

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May 31 deadline for municipal grants

April 13, 2022

The application deadline for CBRM's Municipal Grants Program is May 31, 2022 for both the Capital, Operating and Tax Relief category and the Festival and Events category.

Application forms are available on the CBRM website under City Hall > Forms.  


There are three (3) funding options under the Capital/Operating Grants Category:

1.Capital Grant Applications under $25,000
2.Operating Grant Applications under $10,000
3.Tax Relief for Non-Profit Organizations

There are two funding options under the Festival and Events category and more details are included on the application form.

1. Applications under $1,000
2.  Applications over $1,000 but under $50,000

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Lead and copper sampling program for residential tap water

April 1, 2022

SYDNEY, NS - The CBRM Water Utility is seeking volunteers for lead and copper sampling in residential tap water. The program is for customers of the CBRM Water Utility and is not for those whose water source is a well.  

The Water Utility routinely monitors water quality within distribution systems. In 2020, Nova Scotia Environment introduced additional sampling requirements for lead and copper within customers’ homes.

This sampling program will be provided free of charge to a limited number of customers in each CBRM distribution system (Sydney, Glace Bay, Northside, New Waterford, Louisbourg, Floral Heights and Centreville).

Participants will be registered on a first come first serve basis until the program goals are met. The program runs every year.

Customers can apply online at www.cbrm.ns.ca/water-utility

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Public meetings ahead for 2022-23 CBRM budget consultations

March 24, 6pm - 8pm Glace Bay


FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CBRMgov

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/c/CBRMGov/live

Submit questions to the event:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fill out the survey:   https://cbrmvision.org/


March 15, 2022

Members of the public who are interested in helping guide priorities for the next municipal budget are invited to attend meetings next week with the Mayor, Councillors and CBRM officials.

The meetings will be held on March 22-24 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in these locations: 

  • Tuesday, March 22: North Sydney, Emera Centre
  • Wednesday, March 23: Sydney, Centre 200
  • Thursday, March 24: Glace Bay, Miners Forum 

The meetings will be in person and follow all provincial public health protocols in effect at the time.

The meetings will be livestreamed for residents who can't attend in person, or prefer not to at this time. The livestream link will be available at www.cbrm.ns.ca. 

To see what district you live in, visit the CBRM's "Who is my councillor?" page at www.cbrm.ns.ca or contact 311

If bad weather requires a meeting to be rescheduled, all cancellation and reschedule information will be available on the CBRM website at www.cbrm.ns.ca and posted to the municipality’s social media. 

NOTICE: Proposed taxi by law amendment

By-Law for Second (Final) Reading by Council

TAKE NOTICE that the following By-Law will be brought to Council for second (final) reading on Friday, March 25, 2022 at 10:00 a.m.

The Council meeting will be held via Video Conference and can be viewed live on the CBRM YouTube channel:

By-Law Intent By-law amending the CBRM Taxi By-Law

• To implement a 30% rate increase to all fares in Schedule C of the By-law

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Canadian Navigable Waters Act notice

March 1, 2022


Cape Breton Regional Municipality hereby gives notice that an application has been made to the Minister of Transport, pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act for approval of the work described herein and its site and plans. 

Pursuant to paragraph 7(2) of the said Act, Cape Breton Regional Municipality has deposited with the Minister of Transport, on the on-line Common Project Search Registry (http://cps.canada.ca/) and under registry number 4950, or, under the NPP File Number 2022-206049, a description of the following work, its site and plans: 

Municipal Wastewater Outfall on the West shore of the South Arm of Sydney Harbour, near upland lot PID number 15210651, civic address 1650 Point Edward Highway, Edwardsville, NS, at approximately 46° 9'43.00"N, 60°13'0.00"W.

Comments regarding the effect of this work on marine navigation can be sent through the Common Project Search site mentioned above under the Comment section (search by the above referenced number) or if you do not have access to the internet, by sending your comments directly to: 

Navigation Protection Program – Transport Canada
95 Foundry Street, 6th Floor
P.O. Box 42
Moncton NB E1C 8K6 

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CBRM Building By-law No. B-300 (with Repeal of former Building By-law S4)

TAKE NOTICE that the following By-Law will be brought to Council for second (final) reading on Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the meeting will be closed to in-person public attendance. The meeting can be viewed live on the CBRM YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CBRMGov/live

By-Law Intent
CBRM Building By-law No. B-300 (with Repeal of former Building By-law S4)

• To comply with amendments to the Nova Scotia Building Code Regulation
• To add a fee for work commenced without a permit
• To clarify the process for the issuance of Occupancy Permits
• To improve implementation of the By-law

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Taxi by-law survey open until March 6

February 21, 2022

CBRM is currently reviewing and updating the taxi by-law. The municipality is seeking feedback on taxi usage, service, and regulations with a short online survey. The survey is now available by clicking the link here: https://kwiksurveys.com/s/cbrmtaxi

The survey will be open to responses until Sunday, March 6th. If you have any questions or would like a paper copy of the survey, please contact the Planning and Development Department at 902-563-5072 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.