New transit hub location in downtown Sydney, change to Mall shelter location
June 30, 2022
SYDNEY, NS - Effective Monday, July 4, the Transit Cape Breton transfer hub currently located at Dorchester Street in Sydney will be relocated to Pitt Street and George Street. A new shelter and bus top location will also be in use at the Mayflower Mall.
On Pitt Street, Route 5, Route 8, Router 10/13, Route 11 and Route 12 will line up.
On George Street will be the CBU Express, Route 1 and Route 9.
Impacts to Routes leaving and returning to the New Hub:
Route 1: Route 1 will leave George Street, turn onto Pitt Street, then turn onto Charlotte Street and follow the Route as always (See also below changes to Mayflower Mall). On the return trip to the hub, Route 1 will follow the same route via Prince/Dodd/Dorchester but turn onto George and return to the new hub area.
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