CBRM Citizen Poll: Mobile Homes & Apartment Building Development

CBRM Council and Staff are currently reviewing the Municipal Planning Strategy. This includes investigating possible amendments to current policy, or additions of new policy.

Your input is needed!

Two issues that are currently being reviewed are:
1. Expanding the areas where Mobile Homes/Mini Homes are permitted throughout the CBRM
2. Allowing for higher density development (apartment buildings) throughout areas of the CBRM


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Transition Support Info Sessions for ServiCom Employees

There will be info sessions this week for ServiCom employees from various government departments. Notably, info about Nova Scotia Works’ new program that offers learning opportunities and options for weekly living allowances, that can start as soon as possible.

Sessions at the Ashby Legion Branch 138, 35 State Street, Sydney:

Thursday, December 13 at 9:30am
Thursday, December 13 at 1pm
Friday, December 14 at 9:30am
Friday, December 14, at 1pm


***FREE CBRM TRANSIT: for ServiCom employees travelling to and from these info sessions on Thursday or Friday. Please show your ServiCom employee ID. Regular transit schedule still applies. 


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Citizen Representative required for Viability Study Steering Committee

Call for Expressions of Interest: Citizen Representation needed on Viability Study Steering Committee

Closing December 19, 2018 at 4:30 p.m.

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality requires, from time to time, the services of citizens who would be willing to serve as volunteer members on various Committees of Council, or exterior Committees to which CBRM appoints Citizens.

Currently there is one vacancy on the CBRM Viability Study Steering Committee.

* Please Note: The Terms of Reference/Roles for this Committee can be found here.

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Transit Notice: Change to pick up location on Commercial Street in Glace Bay tonight, Friday Dec 7th

Transit Notice: Change to pick up location on Commercial Street in Glace Bay tonight, Friday Dec 7th

Due to the Christmas Light Up this evening from 5pm to 9pm on Commercial Street in Glace Bay, the regular downtown bus pickup will be temporarily moved to the Bruce Street and Yorke Street stop, while the road closure is in place.

One lane closure on Brookland Street in Sydney, remaining for the winter.

Wednesday, Dec 5 SYDNEY, N.S. – One lane closure on Brookland Street in Sydney, remaining for the winter.

Due to deteriorating conditions of a culvert under Brookland Street in Sydney, there will no through traffic in one lane on Brookland Street between Morrison Street and MacKenzie Street, starting tomorrow, Dec 6th,, 2018.

 A structural engineer deemed a section of the culvert unsafe for traffic, in the eastbound lane of Brookland Street. 

Traffic control measures and detour will be in place until the culvert can be replaced in the Spring.

Transit Update: Breakdown on New Waterford run

Monday, December 3rd - 11:08am

We currently have a breakdown on the New Waterford run. We will miss the remainder of this run, but will be back on regular schedule for the noon run. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.

CB transit Notice: Dec 1st, 2018

Due to road closures in downtown Sydney this weekend for the Nutcracker Festival, bus stops in the downtown core will be temporarily relocated to the Esplanade for Saturday (December 1st) only.

Transit Office: (902) 539-8124

Transit Notice: delays on some routes Saturday, No 24

Transit Notice: please note that there will be delays to all routes that travel downtown Sydney, this Saturday, Nov 24th between 4pm and 5 pm because of  Sydney's Santa Claus parade.

Bus stops will remain the same, but may be held up on George St., Prince St., and Victoria Road as the parade passes through.

Thank you and hope you all get out and enjoy the many community parades!

Construction Advisory: Works begins on traffic light installation at Prince and Inglis Monday

Initial roadwork activities will begin Monday, November 26, 2018, as part of traffic light installation at the intersection of Prince Street and Inglis Street. Work is expected to last 2 weeks and traffic control measures will be in place.

 Please note that this is the initial roadwork – an official announcement will be issued through the Traffic Authority prior to the lights being activated.

Budget Consultation meetings set for 2018-2019 budget process

Interested in helping guide priorities for the next CBRM Budget?

Residents are welcome to participate in budget consultation meetings as part of the CBRM's 2018-2019 budget process. Mayor Cecil Clarke, District Councillors and key CBRM staff will attend the meetings.

Schedule of Budget Consultation meetings:


Saturday, November 24th, 2018

1:30 pm - 3:30 pm 

C200 Main Concourse, Buchanan Hall, 481 George Street, Sydney



Saturday, December 1, 2018

10:00 am - 12 noon

North Sydney Senion Citizens & Pensioners Club, 309 Commercial Street, North Sydney



Monday, December 3, 2018

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Ring 73, 85 East Ave., Glace Bay 

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