It's Fire Prevention Week!

As “Fire Prevention Week” approaches, the Cape Breton Regional Fire & Emergency Service, Prevention Division encourages residents to “Look. Listen. Learn.”

We have lots of important information to share with you this week:

1. Heating safety

There is something about the winter months and curling up with a good book by the fireplace. But did you know that heating equipment is one of the leading causes of home fire deaths? With a few simple safety tips and precautions you can prevent most heating fires from happening.

Read the Heating Safety information here.


2. Smoke Alarms

Smoke Alarms are a KEY part of a home fire escape plan. When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. Working smoke alarms give you early warning so you can get outside quickly. 

Read the Smoke Alarm Safety Information Here. 

Mayor & Council to honour local Cadet Units with ‘Freedom of the City’ Ceremony on Saturday 

CBRM Mayor Cecil Clarke and Council are pleased to invite the public to our bestowing ceremony of the ‘Freedom of the City’, the City’s highest honour, to our local CBRM Cadet Units.

The ceremony will take place at City Hall on the Esplanade in Sydney, on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 1 p.m. (1300 hours).

All Cadet Corps and Squadrons will parade from the Joan Harris Cruise Pavilion, along the Esplanade, arriving at City Hall for 1p.m.  

Granting Freedom of the City is the highest honour a city can bestow. This historic tradition signifies a city’s trust in a military unit, organization or dignitary and serves as an official welcome, granting the freedom to parade or visit the city at leisure, allowing them the privilege to march into the city "with drums beating, colours flying, and bayonets fixed".

The following Cadet Units will be receiving the distinct honour, ‘Freedom of the City’, from the Cape Breton Regional Municipality:

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Fire Prevention Week: Oct 7-13, 2018

Fire Prevention Week 2

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“CB Transit Reminder: No Service on Thanksgiving (Sunday or Monday) 

There will be no Transit service or Handi-Trans service this Sunday, October 7th or Monday, October 8th, 2018 due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

For both Transit CB HandiTrans 2

Transit Notice - Lumiere

CB Transit Notice:

Due to road closures for Lumiere in Sydney this weekend, please note the changes to Transit stops for Saturday, Sept 29: All downtown Sydney stops will be temporarily relocated to the Esplanade until 7pm on Saturday. After 7pm, the only stop in downtown Sydney will be at the corner of George Street and Dorchester Street.


Transit Reroute notice in Sydney, Sat. Sept 22


Due to road closures in Downtown Sydney this Saturday, Sept 22, for the Cape Breton Classic Cruisers Fall Classic Show and Shine, CB Transit stops in Downtown Sydney will be rerouted for the full day.

Pickups for downtown Sydney will be temporarily rerouted to the Esplanade, at the intersections of Wentworth, Prince, and Pitt Streets.

Buses will travel along Dorchester Street, turn left on the Esplanade for pickups, continue left on Townsend and continue regularly schedule routes from there.

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Sidewalk work starting on Kenwood Drive tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept 5th 

Work replacing the sidewalk on Kenwood Dr. will start tomorrow, Wednesday, September 5th and continue on Monday, September 10th. 

Crews will be on site from 7:00am through to 5:30pm. During hours of operation, traffic delays will be encountered on Kenwood Drive and the Alexandra Street roundabout. Motorists are asked to avoid the area, if possible. Traffic controls will be in place. 

No work will take place on Thursday or Friday of this week to avoid further traffic congestion during the first two days of school.

Starting this Sunday - CBU Sunday Transit Service



CBU - Sunday Service starting August 26, 2018.

Same stops as Route 1: Sydney - CBU - Dominion - Glace Bay & return, however please note new times for Sunday only:


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Downtown Sydney Transit stops moved temporarily during Pride Parade on Saturday 

Due to street closures for the Pride Parade this Saturday, August 4th, Transit Cape Breton’s downtown hub will be temporarily relocated to Prince and Dodd Street, instead of Dorchester Street.

Any regularly scheduled runs will end after 11:30am and be moved to the Prince and Dodd hub.  

Those who are looking for transit service in the downtown core will be required to travel to Prince Street and Dodd Street, as Transit Cape Breton will be unable to travel downtown.  

Transit Cape Breton thanks everyone for their patience during this temporary change. Expecting that routes will be back to regular service as of 2pm on Saturday.

Transit Reroute on Thursday and Friday in Glace Bay


The 6pm Route 1 bus arriving from Sydney, will travel as usual through Dominion and continue down Main St. Glace Bay to the Bayplex Parking Lot at 151 Lower North St.

The 7pm Route 1 bus departing Glace Bay will do so from the Bayplex Parking Lot at 151 Lower North St., travel straight up Main St to Phalen Rd., out onto Reserve St, continuing on the regular route to Sydney. This route change will affect the 6pm, 7pm, and 8pm arrivals and departures.



Due to the Friday Night Street Party on Commercial St. from 4pm to 9pm , the following changes will be in effect. Route 1 arriving from Sydney at 4 pm will divert at Official Row, Glace Bay, turn right onto Main St., and continue down to the Bayplex Parking Lot. The 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm arrivals will do the same. Departures will also be from the Bayplex Parking Lot.

Route 1 leaving Glace Bay at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm will travel up Main St. and assume the regular route on Phalen Rd. towards Sydney.