Winter Operations Plan

The general operating policy for winter conditions is as follows:

1. Plowing and de-icing of streets.

During a storm, snow plowing efforts will be focused on arterial routes. Arterials are major roads carrying approximately 10,000 cars per day and include emergency routes for hospitals, police and fire services. 

As storm events subside, plowing will begin on collector routes, which are larger streets carrying less than 10,000 vehicles per day.

Following storm events, plowing will begin on all remaining residential streets after major arterial and collector streets are passable.

2. Plowing designated sidewalks

Public Works will maintain designated sidewalks. Priority will be given to areas with high volumes of traffic or those close to schools, hospitals and commercial districts. Residents are encouraged to clear the sidewalk around your property.

3. Clearing Hydrants

Snow clearing around hydrants will take place as quickly as resources can be made available. You can help by clearing the snow away from a hydrant on your street.

4. Snow removal and clearing
Snow removal takes place when accumulation warrants and as soon as time, equipment and materials allow. Snow removal activities are prioritized by safety concerns, high volume intersections and streets in commercial areas.