311 service interruption

November 6, 2023
7:00 pm

NOTICE: There is currently a service disruption at 311.

Certain phone providers will not be able to get through to 311, an example being Bell.

Any after-hours public works / 311 related matters can be reported to 1(833)504-2276.

A 311 operator will answer that number for the time being.

311 is available online to chat with an agent or submit a question through this site.

Transit resumes operation

November 1
All Transit Cape Breton routes, with the exception of Route 12 Sydney River-Howie Centre, are resuming operations at 5:00pm.

Ruling from the NS Labour Board: The Board is satisfied after an investigation of the complaint by the Chief Administrator that a work stoppage has occurred contrary to the provisions of the Trade Union Act.

Effective November 1, 2023, the Labour Board orders any employees who are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 759, who are scheduled to work and who are participating in the illegal work stoppage to immediately cease and desist from participating in the illegal work stoppage and to report to work and perform their lawful duties as assigned by their employer.

Solid Waste curbside collection not operating

November 1, 2023

Solid Waste curbside collection will not operate today, Wednesday, November 1, due to a labour stoppage by CUPE 759. 

Transit not operating: November 1

November 1, 2023 

Transit Cape Breton services, including Handi-Trans, continue to not operate today, Wednesday November 1, due to a labour stoppage by CUPE 759.

CBRM SOLID WASTE NOTICE:  No curbside collection

Oct 31, 2023

Due to a work stoppage by CUPE 759 union, solid waste facilities are closed.   
Some solid waste collection is underway but it will cease shortly as the disposal sites are not open.  
Residents are advised to remove their waste materials from curbside until next collection day. 

IMPORTANT NOTICE to Transit users: Buses are not running.

Oct 31, 2023 

IMPORTANT NOTICE to Transit users: Buses are not running.

Transit Cape Breton and Handi-Trans is currently not operating due to labour stoppage by CUPE 759 union.

More information to follow. 

Louisbourg boil water advisory lifted

The Boil Water Advisory is LIFTED for Louisbourg water system.

12:00 Tuesday October 24
Customers are no longer required to boil their water. The CBRM Water Utility advises that clear sample results have been received and customers are no longer required to boil their water.
The advisory was issued in response to high turbidity and colour in the water supply entering the facility. All bacterial samples in the system were non-detect/negative.


Monday, October 22, 8:00 pm

The boil water advisory continues for Louisbourg. The Water Utility will have an update on Tuesday, October 23, regarding if the advisory will continue for longer or not.

Recent intense wind and rain events impacted the Louisbourg area water source and increased turbidity in the supply. Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness in the water caused by particles. As a precaution, a boil water advisory is issued for the Louisbourg water system. Residents are advised to boil water for a least one minute if it is to be consumed.


Sunday October 22, 11:00 am

Recent intense wind and rain events have impacted the Louisbourg area water source and increased turbidity in the supply. Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness in the water caused by particles. As a precaution, a boil water order is issued for the Louisbourg water system. Residents are advised to boil water for a least one minute if it is to be consumed.

Louisbourg Boil Water Advisory


Date: October 21, 2023
Time: 1:30 pm

Attention all CBRM water customers in the community of Louisbourg. Due to water quality concerns, consumers are advised to boil all water for at least 1 minute before drinking or any other activity resulting in human consumption.This advisory is in effect until further notice.