Solid Waste curbside collection and solid waste facilities will be closed on Tuesday, February 6.

Municipal facilities including City Hall, Arenas, etc. will be closed on Tuesday, February 6.

Transit Cape Breton will not be operating on Tuesday, February 6. 

Residents are asked to follow the directions of the Municipality’s State of Local Emergency. 

- Residents are directed to shelter in place and advised to clear snow from their home’s entryways, walkways and driveway to facilitate home access. Residents should also remove snow from ventilation points at your home. If you are able to assist others with snow clearing, do so in your own neighbourhood. 

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CBRM State of Local Emergency

February 4, 2024 

SYDNEY, NS - The Cape Breton Regional Municipality Mayor and Council have approved a declaration of a State of Local Emergency to address the record snowfall impacting the municipality.  

Residents are directed to shelter in place and advised to clear snow from their home’s entryways, walkways and driveway to facilitate home access. Residents should also remove snow from ventilation points at your home. 

Do not travel. Roadways are being cleared for emergency response and travel of essential workers. The process is slow and plows require several passes to deal with the significant accumulation. With the State of Local Emergency, Police are telling people to stay off the road unless it's absolutely necessary. Any vehicles obstructing or interfering with snow removal will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense. 

The focus in the day ahead is to clear roads for the passage of emergency vehicles and facilitate emergency response. Schools and most stores and services will not be open. Transit Cape Breton will not be operating on Monday, February 5. City Hall and municipal buildings will not be open on Monday, February 5.  The municipality is requesting that non-essential services remain closed until the roads are again considered safe to travel. 

Additional snow removal resources have been requested from the provincial government.  

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STORM - for latest information visit CBRM Facebook Page

Feb 2-5 storm. Follow CBRM Facebook page for latest postings and information. 



Municipal Services Update - February 4

Tranist Cape Breton is not operating today, Sunday, Feb 4.

Municipal Services Update - February 2

Feb 2 

3:30 pm

Curbside Collection for Saturday, February 3 is cancelled due to the forecasted weather.

The Northside drop off location is also closed on Saturday, February 3.

Extra garbage bags and green cart material will be collected on your area’s next regularly scheduled collection day. Blue bags will be collected on your area's next regularly scheduled blue bag collection week.Residents who have questions are encouraged to phone the hotline (902) 567-1337.

Educators are available to respond to inquiries 8:30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Calling after hours, you can phone 311.

Transit app for Transit Cape Breton riders

January 8, 2024

Transit Riders! Go to Google Play or the App Store to download the Transit app for Transit Cape Breton.

- Plan your trip. Track your ride.
- See nearby ETAs as soon as you open the app.
- Unlock Royale: we’ve got you covered. Our passengers will automatically receive a free upgrade to Royale, the premium subscription in the Transit app! With Royale, riders unlock leaderboards, avatars, and access to all the newest features.

Real-time vehicle locations on the map
- Transit has real-time information for our transit services to help you get around the region.
- Tap GO to be reminded when to leave, when to transfer, and when to get off the bus.

Subscribe to push notifications so you know when you’re almost there and when you’ve arrived.

- Stop moved? Disrupted service? Find out before you leave. View service alerts in Transit, or subscribe to receive push notifications for your routes.

App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/transit-subway-bus-times/id498151501

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thetransitapp.droid&hl=en&gl=US


Nominations open for the Tom Miller Human Rights Award

December 20, 2023

Nominations open: The Cape Breton Regional Municipality welcomes your nomination for the Tom Miller Human Rights Award. The award will be presented to an individual of CBRM who has made a significant contribution to the community with respect to the encouragement, promotion, initiation or development of human rights.

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CENTRE 200 event announcement - Ice Cube "Straight Into Canada" dates include March 5th, 2024 at Centre 200

CENTRE 200 event announcement - Ice Cube "Straight Into Canada" dates include March 5th, 2024 at Centre 200

Ice Cube – Straight Into Canada Tour – March 5 – Centre 200
Tickets on sale Friday, December 15th at 10 AM at https://www.ticketmaster.ca/event/31005F8C92A7193D

ice cube


Charlotte Street Phase Two reopens to vehicle traffic

November 23, 2023

SYDNEY, NS -  Charlotte Street is now open to vehicle traffic as Phase Two of the historic street's redevelopment concludes. Phase Two construction, between Pitt and Wentworth, began in May led by contractor Brilun Construction.

Temporary stop signs will be in place until the installation of the new traffic signals are finalized.

"As we approach the holiday season, we invite residents and visitors to experience the continued transformation of Charlotte Street in downtown Sydney," said Mayor Amanda McDougall. "Through improved infrastructure and enhanced aesthetics, this revitalized community space is becoming a more accessible and attractive area for everyone."

A third and final phase (Wentworth to Townsend) will begin next construction season.

The municipality thanks the business community and local residents for their patience and collaboration throughout the construction period.


311 service interruption

November 6, 2023
7:00 pm

NOTICE: There is currently a service disruption at 311.

Certain phone providers will not be able to get through to 311, an example being Bell.

Any after-hours public works / 311 related matters can be reported to 1(833)504-2276.

A 311 operator will answer that number for the time being.

311 is available online to chat with an agent or submit a question through this site.