CBRM State of Local Emergency
February 4, 2024
SYDNEY, NS - The Cape Breton Regional Municipality Mayor and Council have approved a declaration of a State of Local Emergency to address the record snowfall impacting the municipality.
Residents are directed to shelter in place and advised to clear snow from their home’s entryways, walkways and driveway to facilitate home access. Residents should also remove snow from ventilation points at your home.
Do not travel. Roadways are being cleared for emergency response and travel of essential workers. The process is slow and plows require several passes to deal with the significant accumulation. With the State of Local Emergency, Police are telling people to stay off the road unless it's absolutely necessary. Any vehicles obstructing or interfering with snow removal will be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.
The focus in the day ahead is to clear roads for the passage of emergency vehicles and facilitate emergency response. Schools and most stores and services will not be open. Transit Cape Breton will not be operating on Monday, February 5. City Hall and municipal buildings will not be open on Monday, February 5. The municipality is requesting that non-essential services remain closed until the roads are again considered safe to travel.
Additional snow removal resources have been requested from the provincial government.
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