Funding and Community Support

Funding Sources

There are many funding programs available to community organizations. These programs are spread across various provincial and federal departments, as well as the private sector. The Funding Resource Guide provides details about many of the opportunities currently available. This is not an exhaustive list, and the guide will be updated periodically.

Funding sources resource guide

For assistance or more information, contact CBRM Community Development Coordinator, Will Roy: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  902-563-5072

Cape Breton Special Events Task Force

The Cape Breton regional Municipality has partnered with the Nova Scotia Office of Regulatory Affairs and Service Effectives, the Cape Breton Partnership, and the Island’s other municipal units to develop the Cape Breton Special Events Task Force (CB SETF). The CB SETF is a pilot project designed to help festivals and events in Cape Breton navigate regulations. It brings local, provincial, and federal representatives together in a one-stop-shop approach to provide guidance for special event organizers across the Island. New and existing special events or festivals can learn more about the task force by visiting   

Municipal Grants Program

The Municipal Grants Program, commonly known the Sustainability Fund, is a municipal fund used to invest in non-profit groups and organizations throughout the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. The aim of the fund is to support organizations toward self-sufficiency while ensuring public accountability for the expenditure of public money, and outcomes of benefit to the general public. 

More information on the full Municipal Grants Program Policy (PDF)


Festivals & Events Funding

Festivals & Events occurring in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality can apply for funding through the Municipal Grants Policy. Applications must be completed in full and returned to Tara Olsvik, City Hall Suite 401, 320 Esplanade, Sydney. A completion report is required to be submitted within 60 days of the end of the festival or event.

See the Festival & Events Funding Guide and Application Form on the Forms page.

See the Festival & Event Completion Report form on Forms page.


Capital, Operating, and Tax Relief Funding

Organizations operating in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality can apply for funding through the Community Facilities and Grants Contribution Policy. Applications must be completed in full and returned to Tara Olsvik, City Hall Suite 401, 320 Esplanade, Sydney.

See Capital & Operating Funding Guide and Application on Forms page.


Canadian Tire Jumpstart

Canadian Tire Jumpstart helps financial disadvantaged kids get involved in organizaed sport and recreation by covering the costs of registration, equipment, and/or transportation. CBRM Recreation is proud to administer the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.  

Offering Jumpstart is part of CBRM Recreation's mission to help children get physically active, build social skills, boost self-esteem and confidence, all toward our mission of creating a better quality of life.

Application Deadlines: May 21, October 21

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Application

For assistance or more information, contact CBRM Recreation Program Coordinator Jonathan Penny This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 902-563-5512



KidSport is a national children's program that helps kids overcome the financial barriers preventing or limiting their participation in organized sport.

Managed and operated in Nova Scotia by Sport Nova Scotia since 1994, KidSport Nova Scotia has assisted over 24,000 children totalling over $5.5 Million. KidSport Nova Scotia provides funding of up to $300/year/child for sport registration and/or equipment. CBRM Recreation is proud to administer the KidSport program in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality.

KidSport is a national children's program that helps kids overcome the financial barriers preventing or limiting their participation in organized sport.

Offering Jumpstart is part of CBRM Recreation's mission to help children get physically active, build social skills, boost self-esteem and confidence, all toward our mission of creating a better quality of life.

Application Deadlines: May 1, July 4, September 1, October 2, November 1

KidSport Application

For assistance or more information, contact CBRM Recreation Program Coordinator Jonathan Penny This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 902-563-5512