Curbside Compliance

Curbside Non-Compliance Visits

To tackle curbside non-compliance in the community, the Solid Waste Constable and the Solid Waste Education Coordinator are visiting neighborhoods following an area's collection day to see if uncollected or tagged waste materials have been removed from the curb.   Residents are responsible for removing any garbage or blue bags that have been left uncollected or tagged following their collection day.  This material can not be left sitting at the curb.


To reduce unsightly litter created from uncollected garbage and blue bags becoming ripped or torn random neighborhood visits are being completed across the municipality.   

Curbside Non Compliance 

Residents are reminded any materials not removed from the curb following their collection day, must be removed from the curb.  Please contact the solid waste department if your unsure of why your materials may have been missed or did not get collected.  You can phone (902) 577-1337 or 311.

 curbside non compliance address March 2024 website


Non-compliant properties are being visited to remind the residents/tenants living at these properties, that tagged or uncollected bags must be removed from the curb following collection the area's collection day.

The Solid Waste Constable and Solid Waste Education Coordinator are also using this opportunity to discuss why bags were left behind uncollected.  We are knocking on the door of properties with bags still remaining at the curb to speak to resident and providing them with an information package.  

A note is left on the package advising of the visit to request the household remove the bags from the curb. If no one is home,  the information is left in the mailbox.  This work began March of 2024.

information kit picture for curbside non compliance


 Curbside Non-Compliance Sticker

An orange sticker was created to stick on the envelopes we have been leaving behind during curbside non-compliance visits. If there is additional information that is required for a civic address, will also be included on the information left for residents. 


Curbside non compliance visits picture of sticker

Illegal Dumping


CBRM's Illegal Dumping Program

The Solid Waste Department and the Cape Breton Regional Police Service joined forces in the fall of 2010 to tackle Illegal Dumping. The department has a full-time officer dedicated to the illegal dumping enforcement program developed by this department. Divert Nova Scotia provides funding to support CBRM's illegal dumping efforts.


What is Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping is the unauthorized dumping or disposal of waste material on any public or private property in the CBRM. It is a serious problem that exists across the municipality. The solid waste department in partnership with the Cape Breton Regional Police Service works together to reduce, clean up, and prevent illegal dumping from happening.  Preventing and stopping illegal dumping requires the assistance of the community.  

What is Illegal Dumping picture for website 2024


Reporting an Illegal Dumpsite

Illegal dumping is a crime in CBRM. Residents who witness illegal dumping or locate an illegal dumpsite are encouraged to report it to CBRM’s Waste Management Hotline at (902)567-1337. The Solid Waste Department has a full-time constable on staff who investigates all reported dumpsites. You can also report illegal dumping by using the solid waste mobile app. The form is available in the Need Help Section of the App. Check it out today by downloading the Solid Waste App from the Apple Store or the Google Play store.  The information reported to the department remains confidential and is only provided to the constable.  


Police Constable MacKinnon 2023

Reporting an Illegal Dumpsite

The information a complainant discloses remains confidential between the complainant and the constable. Information that is helpful to the Illegal Dumping Officer includes:

  • The date you located or noticed the dumpsite.
  • Location of the dumpsite (community the site is located in, identifiable landmarks near the site, distance from a landmark, if in a ditch, what side of the road, etc)
  • Clear directions on how to reach the location.
  • Material & debris noticed in the dumpsite.
  • Appearance of the debris.  Did it look like it was recently dumped or there for a while?

These details are useful as the constable begins an investigation.  


Illegal Dumpsite Cleanups

Cleaning up and removing the debris dumped in an unauthorized location is a priority.  When possible,  the constable has the perpetrator responsible for creating the mess clean up and remove the debris.  If this is not possible, other arrangements are examined to have the materials removed from the environment.

 site before cleanup website   

A located dumpsite that will be investigated and cleaned up once site has been searched for evidence of who's responible for the mess. 

  site after cleanup website

The debris is removed and disposed of once site has been searched for important evidence to link the person(s) responsible for dumping the debris at an unauthorized site.


Holidays - No Service Dates

Holidays - no service

New Years Day - January 1            
Nova Scotia Heritage Day
Good Friday                                  
Labour Day
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Sept. 30
Remembrance Day  - November 11  
Christmas Day - December 25        
Boxing Day - December 26   

CBRM tax rate information

Historical tax rate information 2011-2025

How is my tax dollar spent? 2020-21

Find your property's tax assessment at


CBRM Tax Rates  2023/24 2024/25
CBRM Base Rates (per $100 of Assessment)    
  Residential/Resource Base Rate  $              0.8931  $              0.8931
  Commercial Base Rate  $              4.0832  $              4.0832
Provincial Service Rates (per $100 of Assessment)    
  Provincial Education Rate  $              0.3156   $              0.3156 
  Provincial Housing Rate  $              0.0486   $              0.0 
  Provincial Corrections Rate  $              0.0254   $              0.0 
CBRM Area Rates - Fire Services (per $100 of Assessment)    
  Sydney - Residential  $              0.4570   $              0.4570 
  Sydney - Commercial  $              0.3834   $              0.3834 
  County  $              0.0947   $              0.0947 
  Sydney Mines  $              0.1598   $              0.1598 
  Dominion  $              0.2362   $              0.2362 
  New Waterford  $              0.2494   $              0.2494 
  Glace Bay  $              0.2626   $              0.2626 
  North Sydney  $              0.2748   $              0.2748 
  Louisbourg  $              0.2921   $              0.2921 
Business Improvement District Commission Rates (Commercial only / per $100 of Assessment)    
  Sydney Downtown Development Association  $              0.2000   $              0.2000 
  North Sydney BIDA  $              0.1750   $              0.1750 
CBRM Service Based Rates (per $100 of Assessment)    
  Hydrant  $              0.1836   $              0.1586 
  Sewer  $              0.1910   $              0.0 
  Transit (Sydney Residential only)  $              0.1042   $              0.1192 
  Transit (All other areas)  $              0.1250   $              0.1400 
Other Rates CBRM Minumum Tax - Residential Dwelling   $                    575.00   $              575.00 
Acreage rates set by Provincial Legislation    
  Forest Property (<50,000 Acreage) - Resource per acre  $              0.2500   $              0.2500 
  Forest Property (>50,000 Acreage) - Commercial per acre  $              0.4100   $              0.4100 
  NFP Recreation Acreage / per acre  $              47.17   $              49.53


Tax Rate Calculator

Safe Sharps Program

Used needles, syringes, lancets, auto-injectors, and infusion sets must not be disposed of in garbage bags, blue bags, or your green cart.

Needle graphic

 Safe Sharps Disposal in CBRM

Used Sharps Information Website 2021


Safe Sharps Program:  FREE Drop-Off Events October 2021

Used Sharps Facebook post October 2021 Website