Dog park planned for Northside

July 5, 2021 

Cape Breton Regional Municipality is planning to construct a dog park for the Northside.

A new fenced dog park will be installed by the municipality near the Emera Centre Northside at 175 King St. in North Sydney. 

The 20,000 square foot area is designed as a safe place for pet owners to engage in activities with their dogs.  
The area inside the fence will be off-leash, but dogs must be leashed outside of the fenced area. 

Dog owners can park at the walking track and walk up to the park. 

Any comments or questions can be directed to CBRM at CBRM feedback

Construction will begin this week and CBRM will announce when the park is open and ready for use. 

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CBRM municipal services update

June 28, 2021

Sydney NS –  Due to the Canada Day holiday, curbside waste collection services and transit services will not be operating on Thursday, July 1. Both services resume regular operation on Friday, July 2. 

The Citizen Service Centre in City Hall on Esplanade in Sydney is closed on July 1, re-opening on Friday, July 2.  The Citizen Service Centre counter is currently open to the public. All meetings with staff and officials continue to be arranged by appointment only. 

The Northside Solid Waste public drop-off site will be closed on Saturday, July 3. The next drop-off site open date will be Saturday, July 17.  The site will return to its normal schedule of the first Saturday of the month on August 7. 



Centre 200 modernizes ticketing with new partnership with Ticketmaster

June 18, 2021

SYDNEY, NS - With an event-filled year ahead at Centre 200, a new agreement with Ticketmaster will help get Cape Bretoners back in their seats for sports and entertainment.

Centre 200 has entered into an agreement with Ticketmaster to provide ticketing service for the venue. Ticketmaster was the successful bidder on a request for proposals issued late last year.

The three-year agreement that has an option to be extended for an additional two years should both parties agree.

"This agreement gives us access to the expertise of the largest ticketing company in the world," said Cape Breton Regional Municipality Facilities Manager Paul MacDonald.  "Our customers will see better and easier access to online purchasing, online transfer of tickets and greater flexibility when it comes purchasing and paying for tickets."

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Road closure - Eighth Street New Waterford

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality intends to close a portion of Eighth Street, New Waterford, Nova Scotia, measuring approximately 33,633 square feet +/- more or less, which is more particularly delineated on the below map.

The purpose for the partial street closure is to provide green space and enhance safety for long term care residents and students as part of the New Waterford Hub Project. A public hearing in relation to the closing of a portion of the said street will be held on Tuesday, the 15th day of June, at 6:00 p.m.

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Mayor and Council commemorate Davis Day

June 11, 2021

SYDNEY, NS - William Davis Miners’ Memorial Day was commemorated across Cape Breton Regional Municipality this morning as Mayor Amanda McDougall and Councillors laid wreaths at miners’ memorials.  

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Davis Day ceremonies are cancelled for a second consecutive year. 

Although communities cannot gather on this memorial day, Mayor McDougall and Council ask residents to share the history of the events surrounding Davis Day and reflect upon the lives of 2,497 miners who have died mining coal in Nova Scotia. 

The Miners Museum (https://www.minersmuseum.com) is a tremendous resource for information about the industry that shaped many of our communities.  

The Museum of Industry maintains a list of all known coal mining fatalities in Nova Scotia. (https://museumofindustry.novascotia.ca/coal-mining-fatalities) 


Public Hearing on June 11

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) has scheduled Public Hearings to consider:

The proposed sale of CBRM property to the Menelik Hall Society pursuant to Section 51(3) of the Municipal Government Act.

Amending the zoning on properties owned by the Menelik Hall Society to be under one zone category.

Amending the CBRM Land Use Bylaw to remove the Rural CBRM-No Mobile Home Zone and add the Special Provision for Grand Lake Road/Sydney Road to the Rural CBRM Zone.

The Public Hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 15th at 6:00 p.m.

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Citizen committee volunteers sought

June 1, 2021

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality requires the services of citizens who would be willing to serve as volunteer members on the following Committees. Application deadline is June 7, 2021.

  • Diversity Committee (one representative from Cape Breton University; and one representative from the Cape Breton-Victoria Centre for Education for a two-year term)
  • Cape Breton Island Housing Authority (three positions for a three-year term)
  • Port of Sydney Development Corporation (one individual with a professional engineering designation for a two-year term)

The Terms of Reference/Roles for these Committees can be foundon the CBRM website: https://cbrm.ns.ca/clerks-department.html

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CBRM TRAFFIC NOTICE: Street closures impacting transit service

May 18, 2021

SYDNEY, NS – Two street closures today impacting transit service are as follows: 

(UPDATE:  Buckingham Drive is reopened for transit at 12:45 pm. )

Buckingham Drive in Sydney is closed with access for local traffic only. Transit Cape Breton Route 10 Alexandra Street bus will be detoured turning left onto Moxham Drive and then right on Newlands Avenue. 

Road work on Upper Prince Street continues today, altering the routing of Transit Cape Breton Route 11 Ashby. The bus will not go up Reeves Street and turn right on Upper Prince. The bus will instead detour along Lorne Street back to Cabot Street. 

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Municipal services update

April 28, 2021

Cape Breton Regional Municipality Update 

Due to an exposure notice released by the province on Tuesday night, the Miners Forum in Glace Bay is closed for cleaning today and tomorrow. The facility will reopen after that time. 

The CBRM Solid Waste public drop-off site on King Street in North Sydney will be closed on Saturday, May 1, 2021. If you have questions, contact the Solid Waste Hotline at 902-567-1337.  

Reminders of cancellations, closures and postponements: 

All municipal buildings are closed to the public and many municipal staff are working from home. Residents may contact CBRM's lockdown operations line at 902-563-2276 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further assistance.  

Service adjustments have been made to transit operations to increase driver and passenger safety. Passengers enter and exit through the back door and no fares are collected. Signage on the bus requests social distanced seating. At this time there are no changes to schedules or routes. 

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City Hall and municipal buildings closed to public

April 27, 2021

SYDNEY, NS - Effective Wednesday, April 28, City Hall and other municipal buildings will be closed to the public until further notice.

Tax and Water Bill Payments:

Tax or water bill payments can be paid by cheque through mail to 320 Esplanade, Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 7B9. Cheques may be dropped off at the drop box at City Hall, 320 Esplanade. A notation indicating the account number should be on the cheque. 

There are online payment options here: http://www.cbrm.ns.ca/online-services.html
Payment can also be made by online banking.

Building/Development, Subdivision, & Vendors Licence Applications:

CBRM Planning and Development will now be accepting Building and Development Permits, Subdivision, and Vendors Licence applications by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Building and Development Permit applications must include attached electronic drawings, plans, site plan, location certificate, and approvals from outside agencies, if necessary (Nova Scotia Environment and Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal).

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