CB Transit Notice - Tues March 26, 2:45 pm

Please expect delays on all CB Transit bus routes, as we reroute for the road closure on Grand Lake Road due to a motor vehicle accident.

We are unable to drop off or pick up at CBU at this time. 

Thank you for your patience.

Transit Office - (902) 539-8124

Free Tax Clinics in CBRM

The Canada Revenue Agency’s Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) is offering free tax preparation clinics where volunteers complete tax returns for eligible individuals.

List of walk in clinics in the CBRM


8th Annual Benefit Concert for the Cape Breton Cancer Centre




CBRM Now Accepting Applications for Municipal Grants Program  

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) is now accepting applications for the Municipal Grants Program, a municipal fund used to invest in non-profit groups & organizations throughout the CBRM.

The goal is to support organizations toward self-sufficiency, while ensuring public accountability for the expenditure of public money, and outcomes of benefit to the general public. 

Take it up a notch. 1

Applications must be received by:

Applications are to be fully completed and returned to: City Hall, Suite 401, 320 Esplanade, Sydney. 

Read more ...

CB Transit Update

6:20pm - service will remain cancelled for evening. 

Mon, March 4, 2019


Due to weather and road conditions, CB Transit will be cancelling service as of 4pm.

Status of later evening runs will be announced at 6pm.

Funeral Mass for Patriarch Vincent I Waterman to be Live Streamed 

The Funeral Mass for Patriarch Vincent I Waterman will be celebrated on Saturday, March 2nd at 11 a.m. in St. Philip’s African Orthodox Church, 34 Hankard St, Whitney Pier. 

The Funeral Mass will be live streamed at the Whitney Pier Legion, 10 Wesley Street, as the church has limited seating, as well as online for public viewing. A reception to follow at the Legion. 


Live stream link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f44Rb-HFSTs


Traffic Information:

Hankard Street will be reduced to 1 lane of traffic (Eastbound lane only) between Victoria Road and William Street, beginning at 8:00 AM through to 1:00 PM on Saturday.  

Parking on Hankard Street is restricted to family vehicles only.  

Motorists should expect traffic congestion and delays in the area of the church Friday night and Saturday morning.  

Transit notice - 4pm - Mon., Feb 25

Bus from Sydney Mines this evening is delayed due to a mechanical issue.

City Hall & Transit update

Mon. Feb 25


CB Transit will be restoring service at 12 noon today. 


City Hall will be opening at 11am

City Hall and Transit update

Monday, Feb 25


CBRM Notice

CB Transit notice

City Hall will have a delayed opening this morning, with planned opening at 11am due to weather. Decision will be re-evaluated at 10am.

CB Transit will also be cancelled this morning. Will be updated before 11am. 

The Provincial Recreational Trail Expansion Grant Program 2019-2020 is now accepting applications!

The Provincial Recreational Trail Expansion Grant Program 2019-2020 is now accepting applications!

The program provides funding to municipalities, community groups, Mi’kmaq Band Councils and not-for- profit organisations to develop new trails, expand recreational trails, and capital upgrades to existing trails in order to increase opportunities for Nova Scotians to recreate in the outdoors and connect with nature.

Deadline to apply is March 26th, 2019.

Full details: https://cch.novascotia.ca/trail-funding-programs

