Ready to Rock at Centre 200

c200 scotties

Get your 2019 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Tickets:



The Cape Breton Regional Municipality’s Commercial District Improvement bylaw allows property owners undertaking new commercial developments in certain areas of the Municipality to apply to have the increase in property taxes resulting from these new developments to be phased in over a period of five or ten years, depending the scale of the development.

You may be eligible for the incentive if the location of your proposed development is within the geographic boundaries as defined in the by law.  

Any property owner wishing to be considered for this Development Support Program must first complete this application form.

APPLICATION FORMfor Development Support Program

Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Free Wild Card Match!

Interested in checking out a curling game, free of charge, while the Scotties Tournament of Hearts is in town?

You're in luck! There is a FREE Wild Card Match:

Friday, Feb 15th
7:30pm at C200

You can see first hand the amazing atmosphere and watch top-notch curling live!

Event is open to the public. No ticket needed. 

free wild card match


Construction Advisory: Tues, Feb 6

Overhead arms for traffic lights are now being installed at the Churchill and Alexandra Street intersection in Sydney.

Poles and arms are being erected but will not be operational for another few weeks.

An official announcement will be issued through the Traffic Authority prior to the lights being activated. Until such time, the intersection will remain a four way stop.

Construction Advisory: Tues, Feb 6

Overhead arms for traffic lights are now being installed at the Churchill and Alexandra Street intersection in Sydney.

Poles and arms are being erected but will not be operational for another few weeks.

An official announcement will be issued through the Traffic Authority prior to the lights being activated. Until such time, the intersection will remain a four way stop.

CB Transit Notice:

Tues, Feb 6th, 2019

The 8pm CBU Express Route running from Sydney to Glace Bay this evening (Tues, Feb 06) is cancelled.

Regular route 1 schedule still in effect, arriving at CBU 8:30pm.

CB Transit notice

Monday, January 28, 2019 

Additional times added to several routes, as well as changes to Saturday schedules.

Changes are now in effect.
New Saturday times start on February 2nd.

 Updated schedules on CBRM website: http://cbrm.ns.ca/transit


  • Route 1 - CBU Express (from Dorchester to CBU & back) will have 4 buses continuously throughout the morning, and also now 4 buses in the evening (up from 3 buses). Continuing the 15-20 minute intervals. Regular route 1 timetable remains the same. 
  • Route 5 - Additional times added. Saturday timelines have changed.  
  • Route 9 - Additional times added. Saturday timelines have changed.  
  • Route 10/13 - Changes to Saturday timelines

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CAP (Capped Assessment Program of Nova Scotia)  

The CBRM invites residents for two public information sessions regarding the current CAP program and it’s effect on residents.  

WHERE: CBRM Community Room, City Hall, 320 Esplanade
WHEN: Sunday, January 27th, 2019
TIME: 2pm – 4pm, and 6pm - 8pm 

The sessions will include:

  • A presentation on the current CAP system
  • Information about CAP options
  • PVSC (Property Valuation Services) will be a presenting information on how market value is determined
  • Representatives from CBRM and PVSC will be on hand to answer questions

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CBRM Activities for Bell Let's Talk Day

Lets Talk


The CBRM extends an invitation to the public to join us and the conversation on mental health: Wednesday, January 30th, 2019 for Bell Let’s talk day.

Bell Let’s Talk is an initiative implemented by Bell Aliant to get Canada’s conversation started about mental illness, with a focus on their “four pillars”,Anti-stigma, Care and Access, Research, and Workplace health.


Events open to all include:

  • A Flag raising at 11:45 am in front of City Hall with a light lunch to follow.
  • A guest speaker starting at 12:15pm. Keith Anderson: Keith will be speaking about his experience with mental illness, sharing stories of challenges, inspiration, and celebration.

Please RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you would like to attend the lunch and guest speaker.

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