New Waterford

Waterford level high L web

Waterford Lake outlet

Waterford Lake and Kilkenny Lake

Waterford Lake, the location of the intake pipe for the New Waterford water treatment plant, receives about half its water by underground pipe from Kilkenny Lake. The New Waterford treatment plant provides potable water to the communities of New Waterford, Scotchtown, River Ryan, New Victoria, and Lingan.

Waterford 5 July 08 08 211

Photography by Gerry Langille, July 2008.

Waterford Lake with the treatment plant to the right and Daley Road in the foreground.

Kilkenny and Tailings pond 221

Photography by Gerry Langille, July 2008.

Kilkenny Lake with CBDC's Victoria Junction Tailings Basin in the background.

If you have are interested in attending a meeting of the Waterford\Kilkenny Lakes SWPP committee or have any questions concerning watershed management please contact the watershed coordinator.

Anthony Mazzocca
Watershed Coordinator
Phone (902) 563-5551
Fax (902) 563-0882
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.