Port Summit live webcast available tomorrow

February 20, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – A live webcast of the Port Summit will begin at 9:00 am tomorrow via the www.cbrm.ns.ca website or at www.livestream.com/sydneyportsummit. Users must click on the "Port Summit" link.

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Port Summit attracts experienced presenters from across Canada

February 19, 2013

Schedule of events and speakers announced
SYDNEY, NS – The Port Summit scheduled for February 21 and 22 at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion in Sydney will feature presenters from across Canada. The conference is part of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

The event begins on Thursday morning with opening remarks by Port Summit hosts Mayor Cecil Clarke, Eileen Lannon Oldford, CEO of the Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority and Mike Kelloway, Co-Chair of Sydney Ports Corporation.

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New dates set for Northside budget consultation meetings

February 17, 2013

Sydney Mines and North Sydney meetings rescheduled for February 24
SYDNEY, NS - New dates are set for two budget consultation meetings on the Northside that had been cancelled due to weather.

The District 1 budget consultation meeting is rescheduled for Sunday, February 24 at 3:00 pm at the Sydney Mines Fire Hall.

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Councillors plan to take budget meetings to smaller communities

February 7, 2013

Annual meetings offer opportunity to reach out to all corners of the municipality
SYDNEY, NS – Several CBRM councillors are already making plans to bring annual budget meetings to other communities in their districts in the coming years.

This year's meetings are scheduled in each of the 12 districts. To reach even more people with the budget workshops, many CBRM councillors will rotate the annual meetings around their district.

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Dates scheduled for public budget consultation meetings

February 5, 2013

Cape Breton Regional Municipality aims to "do more with what we have"
SYDNEY, NS – Twelve meetings are scheduled across CBRM for residents to participate in the municipal government's 2013-14 budget setting process.

The new budget process is part of the CBRM's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

Mayor Cecil Clarke and each district's councillor will attend the meetings along with key CBRM staff including Interim CAO Marie Walsh.

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Port Summit preparations are underway

January 28, 2013

Public hearing scheduled, invitations sent to stakeholders, tentative agenda set

SYDNEY, NS – Preparations are underway for the Port Summit to be held on February 21 and 22 at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion in Sydney. The Port Summit will cover a wide range of topics concerning the commercialization of the port. It is a commitment in the Cape Breton Regional Municipality's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

"The summit's purpose is to have a factual and practical discussion about the commercialization and development of our port by bringing together the business, government, community and industry participants that have an interest in the future of our port," said Mayor Cecil Clarke.

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Council approves new collective agreement

January 23, 2013

Mayor Clarke says stable six-year deal creates opportunity for positive change agenda
SYDNEY, NS – Cape Breton Regional Council today approved a six-year collective agreement with CUPE Local 759.

Mayor Cecil Clarke says Council's approval of the agreement begins a period of labour stability that broadens the opportunity for an agenda of change to move forward.

"We are in a stable labour environment that now allows us all to focus on becoming a more efficient and effective municipal government," said Clarke. "I look forward to working with our dedicated employees to reach these goals."

The settlement offers 3 per cent in the past two years and 2.5 per cent in 2012-2016.

The wage offer reflects 3 per cent settlements negotiated with Inside workers in 2010 and 2011. The 2.5 per cent in the following four years reflects the normal bargaining history for this bargaining unit.

In preparation for the agreement, a budget accrual of 3 per cent occurred in 2010-11 and 2.2 per cent in 2011-12 to offset the assumed cost of a new wage settlement. The new agreement will result in an additional cost on the upcoming 2013-14 budget year.

Angus Fleming, Director of Human Resources for the Municipality, provided details of the agreement to Council, noting the negotiations began in June of 2012 and went to conciliation before a tentative agreement was reached on January 9, 2013.

"The tentative agreement will see only minor changes to language based on previous collective agreements," said Fleming. "The new collective agreement will add an air of labour stability, in that it covers six years ending October 31, 2016."


Mayor outlines next steps for positive change agenda

January 22, 2013

Clarke talks about "the first 100 days" of Reorganization Plan for Positive Change
SYDNEY, NS – Mayor Cecil Clarke delivered his first major address as Mayor of Cape Breton Regional Municipality today to an audience of 170 community and business leaders at a luncheon organized by the Cape Breton Partnership.

Clarke spoke about his goals for the first 100 days of his administration.

"We're 78 days in and have announced a number of key initiatives of the Reorganization Plan for Positive Change," said Clarke, reflecting on the progress made since Council's swearing in on November 5, 2012.

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Mayor Clarke announces CBRM's first-ever public budget consultation tour

January 10, 2013

SYDNEY, NS - Residents of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality will be invited to attend a meeting in their own district and participate in public opinion surveys about the spending priorities for the region's $137 million budget.

Mayor Cecil Clarke today announced the Municipality will embark on a new budget process as part of the Reorganization Plan for Positive Change. This will include the region's first-ever public budget consultation tour. Clarke also outlined a two-day stakeholder session in Council chambers, budget workshops with CBRM staff and councillors and a consultation with CBRM employees about how they can strengthen their departments and find efficiencies.

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Clarke announces dates for Port Summit

January 4, 2013

Mayor says summit is an important step forward for port development and jobs
SYDNEY, NS – As part of Mayor Cecil Clarke's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change, a Port Summit will be held in Sydney on February 21 and 22 at the Joan Harris Cruise Pavillion.

"This summit is an important step forward to further commercialize and diversify our port and create jobs," said Clarke. "Job creation and economic development will be a key priority in the port's development. It is one of our great assets and a focus of our job creation plans."

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