CBRM launches new “ARTirondack” chair project

August 4, 2015

SYDNEY, NS – Locally manufactured and artist-painted Adirondack chairs were unveiled today at the Sydney boardwalk. In association with Business Cape Breton’s CBRM Blossoming program, the municipality has partnered with the Haley Street Adult Services Centre Society, Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design, Youth Art Connection and Artpreneurs to manufacture and paint the chairs. The chairs will be available for public use, starting tomorrow, in the free wi-fi zone in front of City Hall.

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Mayor thanks fisheries minister for Arctic surf clam opportunity

July 23, 2015

Larger quota means hundreds of jobs and tens of millions in new exports

SYDNEY, NS - “New opportunities and growth are very welcome in Cape Breton Regional Municipality,” Mayor Cecil Clarke wrote to federal Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced an increase to the TAC (Total Allowable Catch) for offshore Arctic surf clam. The department also announced they are allowing new entrants into the fishery.

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CBRM partners with federal government on youth intervention program

June 29, 2015

SYDNEY, NS - The Cape Breton Regional Municipality is partnering with the Government of Canada on the largest youth crime prevention program of its kind in Atlantic Canada.

Today, the federal government announced $3.9 million over 5 years for the RELAYS program (Resiliency Education Leadership Adventure and Youth Service) led by the Cape Breton Regional Police Service. This is the single largest crime prevention program in Atlantic Canada from the National Crime Prevention Strategy's Crime Prevention Fund.

See Public Safety news release here: http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=993699

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality council has approved $120,000 per year for this program over five years, bringing the overall program investment, so far, to $4.5 million.

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Major downtown development proposed

Discussions to begin next week between the municipality and provincial government

June 3, 2015

SYDNEY, NS – The Cape Breton Regional Municipality has initiated discussion with the province on a significant new development in the downtown core.

"A new central library for the municipality, a downtown campus for the NSCC, a new provincial building and mixed-use residential and commercial space will be among the partnerships we are exploring as a single, large-scale downtown development" said Mayor Cecil Clarke to an audience at a downtown waterfront hotel luncheon hosted by Cape Breton Partnership.

Officials with the Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, Municipal Affairs and Department of Labour and Advanced Education will have first meetings next week to discuss the scope of the project.

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Wentworth Park will be "Makin' Waves" with a new music festival this July


Sydney, Nova Scotia – The Cape Breton Music Industry Cooperative (CBMIC - pronounced CB mike) and Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) Recreation announced "Makin' Waves", a concert series to be held this July at Wentworth Park in Sydney. Beginning July 2nd, the festival will present free outdoor concerts each Thursday evening from 6 pm to 8 pm on the bandshell stage.


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Transit Cape Breton to offer extended hours for Handi Trans

Eligible residents are encouraged to apply and take advantage of the improved service

May 7, 2015

SYDNEY, NS – An increase to Handi Trans services will improve and extend the service for eligible residents.

Forty hours of service per week have been added to Handi Trans. Previously, the service operated until 10 pm from Wednesday through Saturday. With the changes, the service now runs until midnight, Wednesday to Saturday. In addition, the service now operates on Sundays from 9 am until 7 pm. Before the changes, Handi Trans was not available at all on Sundays.

"This expands the level of service and increases options to those whose mobility was limited due to operating hours," said Mayor Cecil Clarke. "The operators of our Handi Trans do a phenomenal job of supporting our customers. They care about the people they serve. This improvement allows them more opportunity to add to the quality of life for residents with disabilities."

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Residential Heavy Garbage Rescheduled for Monday, May 18, 2015

Residential Heavy Garbage Rescheduled for Monday, May 18, 2015

April, 28, 2015

Sydney, NS – The CBRM Solid Waste Department's annual Residential Heavy Garbage collection is postponed and rescheduled for Monday, May 18, 2015. The date has been changed to allow residents extra time to prepare for this year's collection.

"The unseasonal weather that we have been experiencing has contributed to this delay", said Manager of Solid Waste, Francis Campbell. "It's hoped the weather will improve over the next couple of weeks so people can better prepare for this year's collection. We encourage residents who have questions about what can be placed curbside for heavy garbage collection to contact the Waste Management Hotline."

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Budget provides sought after stability

April 9, 2015

"No surprises" for municipality in budget

SYDNEY, NS - Councillors will not have to go back to adjust the municipal budget they passed two weeks ago.

Today's provincial budget contained no significant surprises for the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. Equalization remained the same as last year. Other provincially mandated costs to the municipality rose slightly overall.

"After two difficult budget years, we are pleased this year that we have received the stability we sought," said Mayor Cecil Clarke. "I commend the provincial Department of Municipal Affairs for working with us to better manage these challenges."

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“What could we do with $25,000” ideas contest launched

April 1, 2015

Cape Breton Regional Municipality youth council seeks members and ideas

SYDNEY, NS – With a budget of $25,000 and a lot of new ideas and enthusiasm, the CBRM Youth Council is up and running.

"All youth between 14 and 18 are encouraged to join and be part of the decision-making about what we want to achieve and how we spend the budget," said Marianne Toomey, a Grade 12 student at Glace Bay High School.

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CBMIC & CBRM Recreation Present 'Discovery Stage'

23 March 2015

SYDNEY, NS - A concert event will be held in April to showcase emerging local musical talent. The Cape Breton Music Industry Cooperative (CBMIC - pronounced CB mike) and Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) Recreation today launched the 'Discovery Stage', a concert event set for Friday, April 17th, at the Savoy Theatre in Glace Bay.

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