Public are invited to annual Mayor’s New Year’s Levee

January 3, 2016

SYDNEY, NS - Mayor Cecil Clarke and Lt.-Col. Russell Gallant are again co-hosting a New Year’s Levee at the Sydney Garrison, Victoria Park. The event will take place on Saturday, January 9th from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. This is an accessible event for all ages. Members of the Sydney Garrison are on hand to help with parking and access to the venue.

Last year’s event attracted hundreds who came to start the new year by keeping in touch with fellow residents, municipal and military officials. The event features live music and complimentary food and beverages.

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Tell us how we are doing!

Please take 5-10 minutes to let us know how we are doing and give us feedback about your priorities. This survey is part of the Mayor and Council's budget consultations for the next budget in the spring. Results from the surveys will be compiled throughout December and January and posted here.


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Budget meetings in November (FULL SCHEDULE)

Mayor and Council to provide update on development initiatives

SYDNEY, NS - Cape Breton Regional Municipality’s Mayor and Council are hosting budget meetings in November to begin planning for the 2016-17 budget. All residents are encouraged to attend.

Meetings are held in each of the 12 districts and are attended by Mayor Cecil Clarke, the local councillor and senior CBRM staff. This year’s meetings will begin with an update on economic development, downtown development initiatives and community improvement efforts.

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Municipal Government Act Review is Underway

The Department of Municipal Affairs is working with the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities and the Association of Municipal Administrators to carry out the review of the Municipal Governement Act (MGA) over the next three years.  We are asking those in the CBRM who wish to comment or offer suggestions on improving the MGA go to the following link and offer your opinions

Municipal Government Act Review Comments

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CBRM Recreational Game Plan Sessions

CBRM WorkShop invite

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Mayor and council welcome information in Province’s rail studies

September 25, 2015

Information is valuable and builds the business case for Port of Sydney

SYDNEY, NS - The municipality closely engaged with the development of the Port of Sydney welcomed the provincial government’s studies on the railway and said the findings are valuable to their marketing efforts.

“We thank Minister MacLellan and members of the Minister’s Rail Advisory Committee for their leadership on seeing this process through,” said Mayor Cecil Clarke of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. “The important next step is private-sector led outcomes.”

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Youth In Music Mentorship Program

September 14 2015


Headline: CBMIC & CBRM Recreation Launch Youth in Music Mentorship program


Sydney, Nova Scotia – Youth participation in all aspects of the music industry is essential to the long term sustainability of the industry. The Youth in Music Program, presented by CBRM Recreation and the Cape Breton Music Industry Cooperative (CBMIC), is intended to provide mentorship in a variety of music industry related subjects necessary to begin working in the music industry. Participants will be passionate individuals who have the potential to become future leaders in the community.

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CBRM Announces 'Dogs on the Boardwalk' Pilot Project

August 17 2015


Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) today announced the "Dogs on the Sydney Boardwalk" program. The CBRM will allow residents to walk their dogs along the Sydney waterfront boardwalk from September 1, 2015 until November 30, 2015 as part of a pilot program providing opportunities for people to be more physically active along the waterfront.

In order to maintain courtesy and safety for all boardwalk users, dog owners must comply with all CBRM bylaws. Dogs must be restricted on leash, under control at all times, and owners must adhere to cleaning up any waste. Waste bags will be provided in three dispensers located along the route.

Mayor and councillors urge residents to support local park in national contest

August 14, 2015

Vote online at www.kraftprojectplay.com

SYDNEY, NS - Residents of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality are encouraged to take time on Monday and Tuesday to vote in the online Kraft Project Play competition.

Munro Park in North Sydney is one of four finalists for a $250,000 Grand Prize.

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CBRM launches new “ARTirondack” chair project

August 4, 2015

SYDNEY, NS – Locally manufactured and artist-painted Adirondack chairs were unveiled today at the Sydney boardwalk. In association with Business Cape Breton’s CBRM Blossoming program, the municipality has partnered with the Haley Street Adult Services Centre Society, Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design, Youth Art Connection and Artpreneurs to manufacture and paint the chairs. The chairs will be available for public use, starting tomorrow, in the free wi-fi zone in front of City Hall.

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