Public meeting on Mayor's task force recommendations

August 17, 2013

SYDNEY, NS - A public meeting is scheduled for September 17 at 1:30 pm at the Civic Centre in Sydney to discuss the recommendations made by the Mayor's task force.

The task force, chaired by Dr. Keith Brown of CBU, presented a blueprint for change across a broad spectrum of the organization and operation of Cape Breton Regional Municipality.

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Planning and design company chosen for Sydney harbourfront

August 7, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – Ekistics Planning and Design have been chosen to develop a compelling conceptual vision plan for the future development of the harbourfront in both downtown Sydney and its north end neighbourhood for a 25 year horizon.

A request for proposals issued in May identified the need for a strategic approach for a study area bounded by the Esplanade and Sydney harbour from Wentworth Park to the tip of the north end peninsula.The successful proposal, submitted by Ekistics in collaboration with their partners, Eastpoint Engineering and Cantwell & Company Consulting, combines landscape architecture, civil engineering and municipal planning.

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Boil Water Advisory lifted for Sydney system

August 1, 2013

11:10 am

The Boil Water Advisory for customers on the Sydney water supply has been lifted.

The boil advisory was announced on Tuesday following test results that showed the presence of bacteria in one of 21 water samples taken in Sydney on Monday.

Greg Penney, Operations Manager of the Water Utility advises that two clear sample results have been received from the lab and customers are no longer required to boil their water.

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Mayor welcomes Premier's commitment to seawall project

July 31, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – CBRM Mayor Cecil Clarke welcomed the news today that the Government of Nova Scotia will participate in a cost-sharing proposal to repair the Gabarus seawall.

Today's announcement by Premier Dexter completes the funding plan proposed by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality in June. On July 24, the federal government announced they could contribute up to $300,000 toward the project.

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Boil Water Advisory for Sydney continues

July 31, 2013

11:00 am

The Boil Water Advisory for customers on the Sydney water supply continues today.

The boil advisory was announced on Tuesday following test results that showed the presence of bacteria in one of 21 water samples taken in Sydney on Monday.

Greg Penney, Operations Manager of the Water Utility advises that two clear samples are required before the boil advisory can be lifted.

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Boil Water Advisory issued for Sydney and area

July 30, 2013


The CBRM Water Utility has issued a Boil Water Advisory for the Sydney water system.

Water customers are advised to boil all water for at least 2 minutes before drinking or any other activity that will result in consumption of the water. This includes drinking, preparing infant formula, juices and ice cubes, washing fruits and vegetables and dental hygiene.

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Underground project keeps raw sewage out of harbour

July 26, 2013

SYDNEY, NS - Residents driving into downtown Sydney along Kings Road may have noticed a large mound of earth piling up on the waterfront near Wentworth Park.

Work is well underway on a $15.3 million sewage collector project that spans the Sydney waterfront from the Keltic Drive area of Sydney River all the way to MacLeod Street in South Bar.

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CBRM's proposal for Gabarus seawall moves forward with federal commitment

July 25, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – The Cape Breton Regional Municipality's proposal for a cost-shared repair to the Gabarus seawall has taken a positive step forward with a funding commitment from the federal government.

In a July 24 letter to Mayor Cecil Clarke, Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation indicated that while not acknowledging federal responsibility for the seawall, they are willing to consider funding repairs up to a maximum of $300,000 provided matching funds are available from the Province of Nova Scotia. The Cape Breton Regional Municipality had previously indicated they could contribute $100,000 to the project.

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Transport consultants and engineering firm to advance Sydney port development

July 18, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – Following an RFP process started on June 25, a contract has been awarded to transport consultants MacNeil Management Consultants to lead the advancement of CBRM's port development file. Engineering firm CBCL Limited will also play an affiliated role in the work ahead, providing technical consulting services.

MacNeil Management Consultants has extensive experience in the transportation industry and in economic development. Neil MacNeil is the former President and CEO of Canada Ports Corporation and the former Executive Director of Harbours and Ports at Transport Canada.
"The scope of work in this contract addresses the next important steps in realizing the potential of the Port of Sydney," said MacNeil. "We have an incredible asset with the port and our work will enhance its investment value."

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Public input sought on Mayor's task force recommendations

July 11, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – Cape Breton Regional Municipality residents are invited to provide feedback on the Mayor's task force report delivered last week.

The report, the first of its kind since amalgamation in 1995, makes several recommendations for changes including merging departments, reducing positions through attrition and reviewing police and fire services.

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