Construction Advisory: Beech Street, Sydney

Construction will begin on Monday, July 15, 2019 on Beech Street from Welton Street to Vulcan Avenue. Traffic control will be in place throughout the duration of this project.

Construction Update: French Street and Kitchener Street

Motorists are advised that construction associated with the Road Rebuild Projects of French Street and Kitchener Street will begin today, July 11, 2019.Traffic control will be in place throughout the duration of this projects.

Construction Advisory: Station Street, Glace Bay

Station Street in Glace Bay will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, July 11, 2019, between Main Street and Connaught Ave, with a detour through McIntyre Lane. Work is starting at 8am and expected to continue all day.

Traffic Control will be in place.

Construction Advisory: George Street, Sydney

Residents are advised that on Thursday, July 11th, 2019, George Street in Sydney will be closed to traffic between Glenwood Street and Brookland Street in order to reinstate landscaping associated with previous water main construction work. Traffic control will be in place. Local traffic will be allowed.

Crosswalk lights being activated today

Crosswalk lights being activated today at intersection of Reeves and Welton in Sydney.  SYDNEY, N.S. – Residents are advised that the new RA-5 Crosswalk at the intersection of Reeves Street and Welton Street in Sydney, will be activated today, Wednesday, July 10th, 2019.

Transit Notice: additional Handi-Trans bus service will be available on Saturday, July 13th, 2019 for Ribfest

Transit Notice: additional Handi-Trans bus service will be available on Saturday, July 13th, 2019 from 2pm-10pm for Ribfest, located at Open Hearth Park this coming weekend.

This is first come first serve and it must be booked by July 12th at 3:00pm.

Make your reservation by calling 902-539-4336

 Road repair work on Townsend Street in Sydney next week

Friday, June 28, 2019 Road repair work on Townsend Street in Sydney next week

 Continuing with seasonal road repair work, crews will be moving to Townsend Street in Sydney next week, starting Tuesday, between George Street and High Street. Traffic will be reduced to one lane – please expect delays and detours in this area. 

Work is expected to begin on Tues, July 2, weather dependant, and will continue all week.

Transit Notice: Canada Day Bus Schedule

CB Transit will operate several bus routes this Canada Day, Monday, July 1st. Route 1, route 5, route 8 and route 9 bus schedules have been modified to make it easier for you and your family to get out and celebrate this Canada Day!

The July 1st schedules for these runs can be seen below.

Please note that this is a modified service for this holiday and not all runs are operating, only Routes 1, 5, 8 & 9.

Handi-Trans will also be available from 3:00PM to 11:00PM on July 1st. Make sure to call before Friday, June 28th at 3:00PM to book the Handi-Trans. You can phone 902-539-4336 to book.

Happy celebrating!

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CBRM & ACAP Poster Contest Winners and Award Ceremony

You're invited to the CBRM & ACAP 2019 Poster Contest Awards Ceremony! The ceremony will be taking place on June 14th, 2019, at 3:30PM located in the City Hall Council Chambers.

Special thanks to the CB-VRCE principals, teachers, and of course, all the talented students who participated! A huge congratulations to the winners of the poster contest.

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Artists Loretta Gould and Peter Steele selected for Reconciliation Mural in Downtown Sydney

Congratulations to artists Loretta Gould and Peter Steele, who have been commissioned by the CBRM Downtown Regeneration Committee to create a reconciliation mural in Downtown Sydney.

The two artists will work collaboratively as a team, as a Mi’kmaw artist and an artist from another cultural background, to create a reconciliation mural representing Etuaptmumk, the Mi’kmaw word for “two eyed seeing”. 

The mural will be on a brick wall outside of the Undercurrent Youth Centre and the office of Pathways to Employment in Downtown Sydney at 75 Prince Street. A call was put out for applications in May and the selection Jury reviewed 10 applications from artists all across Unama’kik and beyond. The final selection was made on Tuesday, May 10, 2019. The details of the commencement of the mural are still being worked out by the artists and will be revealed as soon as they are known. 

Bradley Murphy, CBRM Regeneration Coordinator said, “We are proud and excited to have these two wonderful artists come together around the very important message of reconciliation and representing Etuaptmumk, which is the Mi’kmaw word for “two eyed seeing”. It refers to learning to see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous knowledge and from the other eye with the strengths of western knowledge, and learning to use both eyes together for the benefit of all.”