Construction Advisory: Cartier Street, Sydney

Road rebuild work has started on Cartier Street in Sydney between Ashby Rd and Ainsley St.

The project is expected to last approximately 3 weeks with traffic control in place throughout this duration.

Construction Advisory: Prince Street, Sydney

There are asphalt road repairs taking place on Prince Street today, between George and Dodd.

Detours and traffic control are in place.

Construction Advisory: Culvert replacement on Brookland Street in Sydney

Work will begin for the replacement of a culvert on Brookland Street in Sydney on Tuesday August 6, with a road closure between Morrison Street and MacKenzie Street. This project is expected to last one month. Traffic control and detours will be in place.

Paving and patching work on Argyle Street in Sydney tomorrow 

Patching and paving work will be taking place on Argyle Street in Sydney tomorrow, Tuesday, July 30. This includes Argyle from George Street to Alexandra Street. 

Work is expected to continue for the full day, with detours throughout the day. Traffic control will be in place.

Planned Water Disruption in New Waterford Thursday

CBRM Water Utility wishes to inform customers in New Waterford, in the area of Mahon Street and Plummer Avenue, that there will be a planned water disruption, weather permitting, on Thursday July 25 from 7:30 am until approximately 3:00 pm.

The areas affected by the disruption include: Heelan Street (Plummer Ave to Ellsworth Ave), Plummer Ave (Heelan Street to Mahon Street), Mahon Street (Ross Ave to Ellsworth Ave), Thomas Ave, Josephine Ave, Spruce Ave (Mahon Street to Heelan Street), Fenton Ave and Mary Ave.

This disruption is required to perform maintenance on the main waterline system.Thank you for your understanding and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Should residents require additional information, they are asked to contact Public Works East, New Waterford and Area, at 902-862-6446.

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Call for Citizens on Committees: CBRM Audit Committee and Board of Police Commissioners

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality requires, from time to time, the services of citizens who would be willing to serve as volunteer members on various Committees of Council, or exterior Committees to which CBRM appoints Citizens. Currently there are vacancies on the following Committees:


1. CBRM Audit Committee [two year term commencing September 2019] - click here for Terms of Reference


2. Board of Police Commissioners [Central Division representative (i.e. from Sydney proper) - balance of term to September 2020] - click here for Terms of Reference


NOTE:  DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS - Friday, August 2, 2019 at 4:30 p.m.

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Transit Notice: Herbert Street, Sydney

Beginning Thursday, July 18th, Herbert Street will not be accessible by bus due to road work, therefore route 11 and route 12 buses will be rerouted to Atlantic street for the duration of the construction, lasting approximately 7 weeks.

For any questions please call the Transit office at: (902) 539-8124CB

Transit thanks you for your cooperation throughout the duration of this project.

Construction Advisory: Herbert Street Road Construction starting Thursday in Sydne

 Roadwork will begin Thursday, July 18, on Herbert Street in Sydney between Terrace Street and Cornwallis Street. This project is expected to last approximately 6-7 weeks and traffic control will be in place throughout this duration.

Construction Advisory: King Edward Street in Glace Bay will be closed tomorrow

King Edward Street in Glace Bay will be closed from Main Street to Queen Street tomorrow, Wednesday, July 17th, 2019 for the construction of new sidewalk. Work will start at 7:00 am and expected to continue until 6:00pm, weather dependant. 

Detours and traffic control will be in place. Residents of the street will have access to their homes or businesses, they are asked to access King Edward Street from the Queen Street end of King Edward.

Construction Advisory: Roadwork Tuesday on Reserve Street in Glace Bay

Due to service work, the inbound lane to Downtown Glace Bay will be closed on Reserve Street between Daniel Drive and the Glace Bay High Access Road on Tuesday, July 16, 2019.

Traffic control will be in place. Work is expected to start at 8am and continue for the full day, weather dependant.