CBRM budget stakeholder sessions planned for February 5

Council has set aside Monday, February 5 to hear from community members and organizations with funding requests for the municipality that fall outside of the Municipal Grants Program Policy. 

Interested organizations should submit their presentation to the Clerk’s Office by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 31. Presentations fitting the criteria will be assigned a presentation time during the February 5 session between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 

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CBRM Transit Notice

Service for all Transit Cape Breton will resume regular service and schedule as of 12pm today, Tuesday, January 16, 2018. 

City Hall notice

CBRM City Hall will have a delayed opening this morning for 10am. 

Transit Cape Breton Notice

Due to current weather and road conditions, service for all Transit Cape Breton will be cancelled this morning, Tuesday, January 16th, 2018.Transit Service will be reassessed at noon.

Last 3 Comfort Centres closing today

January 06, 2018

The remaining three comfort centres in the CBRM will not be opening today, due to significant power restorations in the areas.

Please remember that if you are in immediate distress to call 911.


Comfort Centre Update

January 5, 2018


Please note that both the Christmas Island Fire Hall and the Big Pond Fire Hall comfort centres have decided to close due to significant power restorations in the areas. 

All other comfort centres are scheduled to be open tonight until 10pm:

  • Grand Lake Road Fire Hall (850 Grand Lake road)
  • Gabarus Fire Hall (8785 Gabarus Highway)
  • North Sydney Fire Hall (14 Pierce Street)
  • Donkin Fire Hall (10 South Street)
  • New Waterford Fire Hall (3336 Walsh Avenue) 

Tomorrow, Saturday, January 6, 2018 the following comfort centres are scheduled to open at 10am, if loss of power is still occurring in the areas:

  • Grand Lake Road Fire Hall (850 Grand Lake road)
  • North Sydney Fire Hall (14 Pierce Street)
  • New Waterford Fire Hall (3336 Walsh Avenue)

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Several municipal comfort centres now open in CBRM

January 5, 2018 

CBRM is advising residents that several comfort centres are now open in select areas for residents with loss of power.

These centres opened at 11am today, Friday, January 5th, 2018.

They will remain open until 10pm this evening, dependent on power restoration times.

Comfort centre locations are as follows:

  • Grand Lake Road Fire Hall (850 Grand Lake road) – OPEN until 10pm
  • Big Pond Fire Hall (7193  east Bay Highway) - OPEN until 10pm
  • Gabarus Fire Hall (8785 Gabarus Highway) - OPEN until 10pm
  • North Sydney Fire Hall (14 Pierce Street) - OPEN until 10pm
  • Donkin Fire Hall (10 South Street) - OPEN until 10pm
  • New Waterford Fire Hall (3336 Walsh Avenue) - OPEN until 10pm
  • Christmas Island Fire Hall (8539 Grand Narrows Highway) - OPEN until 10pm

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City Hall open regular business hours today

CBRM City Hall will be opening for regular business hours this morning, Friday, January 5, 2018.

CB Transit back on regular schedule today

Transit Cape Breton Notice

January 5, 2018


Service for all Transit Cape Breton will be back on regular schedule today.

Transit office: 902-539-8124

Transit Cancelled for remainder of day due to weather

Transit Cape Breton Notice

January 4, 2018

Due to current weather and road conditions, service for all Transit Cape Breton will be cancelled for the remainder of the day. Any buses that are currently on a route, will complete that route. All buses should be completely off the road by 4pm. 

Transit will resume regular schedule once storm ceases. Further information will be provided at that time. 

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