Positive statements not backed by financial commitment

CBRM needs province to come to the table sooner than 2014

April 4, 2013

SYDNEY, NS - The Finance Minister's budget address spoke positively of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality's five-year capital plan and looked ahead to working with the municipality in 2014, but CBRM officials are disappointed that there is no funding commitment this year.

"A year from now may be too little, too late," said Deputy Mayor Kevin Saccary. "The positive statements are encouraging but our problems are immediate."

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Mayor and Council seek firm commitment to five-year $300 million capital plan

March 28, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – The Cape Breton Regional Municipality is seeking a firm commitment from the provincial government for the region's cost-shared capital plan in next week's budget.

In a speech to a Sydney Chamber of Commerce luncheon today, Mayor Cecil Clarke listed over a dozen infrastructure projects that are on the municipality's priority list to comply with wastewater regulations.

"We have dozens upon dozens of projects. $454 million in total. A 20 per cent share of all Atlantic Canadian projects," said Clarke. "The five-year, $300 million plan we have proposed is responsible, achievable and necessary. It is now time for the provincial government to commit to partnering with us to move forward. The consequences of inaction is the failure of service delivery, as we now see with our inability to fund road construction."

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Municipality to consider funding application to provincial and federal governments for seawall repairs

March 24, 2013

SYDNEY, NS - Mayor Cecil Clarke said today that the Cape Breton Regional Municipality will be asked to formally apply for federal and provincial cost-shared funding for repairs to the Gabarus seawall.

"We have met with Fisheries Minister Keith Ashfield, MP Rodger Cuzner and MLA Alfie MacLeod and I feel we have an opening now to take a next step," said Clarke. "The Minister indicated he would look within government for funding on the basis that seawall repairs are a cost-shared project with all three levels of government. We are moving forward on that basis."

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Survey says: Jobs are the top priority of residents

March 20, 2013

Mayor Clarke says municipal government is focused on economic development

Seeks support from province to move capital plan forward
SYDNEY, NS – Cape Breton's 17.5 per cent unemployment rate is the top concern of residents surveyed as part of the CBRM's extensive budget consultation. When asked "What is the biggest issue or challenge facing CBRM today?" the answer "Unemployment" was the top choice of most residents.

As part of an extensive budget consultation process in recent months, 300 CBRM residents were surveyed by telephone and an additional 205 filled out surveys as part of the budget consultation meetings held in each of the municipality's 12 districts. The budget consultation was the first of its kind for CBRM and is part of the region's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

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Two-day budget consultation session to be held at council chambers

March 10, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – Community stakeholder groups are invited to a special two-day budget consultation to be held in Council Chambers at the Civic Centre, 320 Esplanade, on March 18 and 19. Mayor Cecil Clarke, CBRM councillors and Interim CAO Marie Walsh will be in attendance.

The public budget consultation meetings are part of the CBRM's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

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Mayor seeks meeting with Premier, Regional Minister on Cape Breton economy

March 10, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – New employment numbers released Friday are a "wake up call" says Mayor Cecil Clarke, and he is seeking a meeting with Premier Darrell Dexter and Minister Peter MacKay to move forward on a new plan for the CBRM.

Cape Breton's unemployment rate is at 17.5 per cent. According to Statistics Canada, there were 48,600 people employed in Cape Breton and 10,300 people looking for work, compared to 52,700 employed and 8,600 unemployed a year ago.

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CBRM seeks provincial support for $300 million capital plan

March 5, 2013

Mayor Clarke outlines plan for five-year funding deal
SYDNEY, NS – Cape Breton Regional Municipality started the process to commit to put forward $75 million over five years for capital infrastructure and is seeking matching funding from the province and federal government.

"We are prepared to commit based on our investment capacity. Now we are seeking a matching commitment from the province," said Mayor Cecil Clarke. "With the support and commitment from the province, we can seek an opportunity to come to a contribution agreement with the federal government."

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Members announced for Organizational Operating Review Task Force

March 4, 2013

Mayor's Task Force is part of CBRM's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change
SYDNEY, NS – A new task force of experienced and accomplished citizens has been assembled by Mayor Cecil Clarke to make recommendations on the organization and operation of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. The task force was a platform commitment and part of the Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

"The CBRM faces a multitude of cost pressures including a substantial debt burden, unfunded pension liabilities, labour agreements and operational requirements. As a team, and with our partners, we will face these responsibilities in a balanced, fair and affordable way," said Clarke. "The task force will have a wide scope to make recommendations on areas of organization and operation in the municipality."

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New dates set for Dominion and Glace Bay budget consultation meetings

February 27, 2013

Public meetings rescheduled for March 5 and 7
SYDNEY, NS - New dates are set for two budget consultation meetings in Dominion and Glace Bay that had been cancelled due to weather.

The District 10 budget consultation meeting is rescheduled for Tuesday, March 5 at 6:30 pm at the Royal Canadian Legion on Neville Street in Dominion.

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Port summit wraps up today with public hearing at council chambers

February 22, 2013

SYDNEY, NS – The two-day Port Summit hosted by CBRM, the Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority and Sydney Ports Corporation wraps up today with a public hearing at the CBRM council chambers at 2:00 pm. The conference is part of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality's Reorganization Plan for Positive Change.

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