CBRM Announces New Year’s Eve Event at CBRM City Hall 


It will be a family friendly New Year’s Eve at CBRM City Hall with much to be joyous about as we ring in the 25th year of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality. An outdoor event taking place from 5-9PM on December 31st, CBRM NYE will feature live music, performances, and culminate with a bang as fireworks light up the sky over Sydney Harbour at 9pm to close out the evening. 

Performing onstage at CBRM NYE will be award winning Cape Breton bands The Tom Fun Orchestra and The Town Heroes. Also featuring entertainment from Maritime Marionettes, close up magician Carmen Giorno, and fire performer Stephanie MacPhee. More weather dependent activities are being planned, which will be announced closer to the event.  

CBRM Mayor Cecil Clarke commented, “We invite everyone to join us on New Year’s Eve for what is planned to be an amazing fireworks display and outdoor celebration, as we ring in 2020 and our 25th year as a Regional Municipality”. 

Food and cash donations will be accepted on site to support Loaves & Fishes and Canadian Tire Jumpstart. All donations receive a #CBRM25 glow tambourine, while supplies last.  


DRAFT Winter 2019 2020

CBRM has received reports of persons impersonating CBRM Water Utility Employees, attempting to enter residents’ homes.  

CBRM Public Service Announcement
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, November 27, 2019 

Residents are advised that CBRM Water Utility Staff do, from time to time, need access to residents’ homes. However, CBRM employees will have a branded vehicle with a CBRM Water Utility logo, a branded uniform with the same logo, and a CBRM identification badge.  

If you have a CBRM Water Utility representative asking to enter your home, you can call the Water department to verify their identity at: 902-563-5280 or 902-563-5180.

Residents are asked to please report any fraudulent behaviour to Police.   

CBRM Water Utility logo:

water utililty

Call for Citizens on Committees: Port of Sydney Development Corporation

Copy of olabooks Online

The Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality requires citizens who would be willing to serve as volunteer members on the Board of Directors for the Port of Sydney Development Corporation (PSDC), as follows:

• One individual with a professional engineering designation
• One individual licensed to practice law in the Province of Nova Scotia
• One individual with a professional accounting designation
• One individual with expertise in business and commerce

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CBRM Welcomes Michael Seth as new Director of Fire and Emergency Services 

Monday, November 4th, 2019

The Cape Breton Regional Municipality (CBRM) today announces the hiring of a new Director of Fire and Emergency Services, Michael Seth. Mr. Seth will begin his new role on November 18, 2019 and joins the CBRM from his most recent post as the Fire Chief at the County of Brant in Ontario.

 Michael Seth is a Six Nations of the Grand River (Tuscarora) band member. He is a graduate of Lakeland College in Alberta with a Bachelors in Applied Business with a focus on Emergency Services and currently pursuing his Masters of Communication Management from a joint program from McMaster/Syracuse Universities.  Mr. Seth is a second-generation firefighter, starting with Six Nations when he was 14 years old. He was instrumental in the creation of the Six Nations Paramedic Services as its inaugural Manager and held the position of Fire Chief and Community Emergency Management Coordinator with Six Nations Council. Having extensive experience in Fire Chief roles in municipalities in Ontario, Mr. Seth joins the CBRM from his most recent post of Fire Chief for the County of Brant.

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CBRM Asking Adult Residents to Complete an Active Living Survey

CBRM Asking Adult Residents to Complete an Active Living Survey

​The Cape Breton Regional Municipality Recreation Department is conducting a survey, the CBRM Active Aging Survey, regarding active living and recreation programming for adults and seniors.

The department is looking specifically for feedback from residents regarding what sorts of activities, programs, and events interest adults and seniors, so that future recreational programming can be catered to the desires and needs of participants.   

FILL OUT THE CBRM Active Aging Survey online here: https://kwiksurveys.com/s/akmFkfkN


or visiting  Or, in-person, mail or phone by contacting

Chelsea Currie, Adult & Senior Recreation Coordinator:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Solar electricity info sessions coming up in CBRM

Solar Nova Scotia will be offering public information sessions on solar electricity (PV).

These presentations are designed to de-mystify the technology, economics, and regulations that apply to homeowners interested in producing their own sustainable energy. PV is one of the lowest emission sources of electricity available!

Sessions involve approximately a one-hour slide presentation, ideally delivered over a two-hour time frame to allow for discussion, question and answer time, and a workshop exercise on site assessment.

GLACE BAY Public Library

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Transit Notice: Saturday Sept 28

Transit Notice: Charlotte Street closed this Saturday, Sept 28.

Temporary stops will be moved from Charlotte to the Esplanade, at the intersections of Wentworth (in front of City Hall) and Pitt Street, starting after 2pm on Saturday.

Please note this could cause delays on drop offs and pickups.

North End Sydney Amendment - Survey

New Dawn Enterprises has requested an amendment to Municipal Policy to proceed with further development of the former Holy Angels/Convent at 170 George Street, Sydney.

In doing so, they are unable to meet the existing parking requirements in the Land Use By-Law. Additionally, New Dawn is proposing the operation of a restaurant within the former convent building to serve tenants and the general public. 

The intent of this questionnaire is to obtain feedback from residents living and working in the North End of Sydney on the proposed development to aid municipal staff and CBRM Council in making a decision.

Your contact information and answers to these questions will remain confidential and be used only in the evaluation of the above-noted project.

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******Tues, Sept 10, 9:30am ******

  • Centre 200 (481 George Street) Sydney
    • Phone number:‪ 902-564-2200
    • Hours of Operation: ‪12pm – 5pm- ‪Showers available
  • North Sydney Firemen’s Club (14 Pierce Street, North Sydney)-
    • Phone number: ‪(902) 794-7072
    • Hours of Operation: ‪11am – 12 midnight
  • Big Pond Fire Department (7193 East Bay Highway, Big Pond),
    • Phone: 902-828-3138
    • Hours of Operation: ‪12 noon – 2 pm
    • Showers and internet available
  • Gabarus Fire Department (8785 Gabarus highway)
    • Phone: 902-8842090
    • Hours of Operation: ‪8am – 8pm


Comfort Centres Update: 6:30pm - Monday Sept 9

COMFORT CENTRES UPDATE: (Mon, Sept 9, 2019 6:30pm)

North Sydney Comfort Centre remaining open until midnight, all others closed.

COMFORT CENTRE OPEN: North Sydney Firemen’s Club (14 Pierce Street, North Sydney) - Hours of Operation: ‪Opened Until Midnight