CBRM NOTICE: Road work on George Street

July 13, 2020

A significant road work project begins today, July 13, on George Street in Sydney.

The George Street Collector Road Upgrades project is expected to last 10 weeks and will include road rehabilitation between Prince Street and Dorchester Street along with intersection upgrades at the Prince Street intersection. 

Throughout the duration of the project there will be traffic control setups in place that will cause a reduction to one lane of traffic in each direction.

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Transit Cape Breton updates

June 26, 2020

Permanent bus stop location change:

A Charlotte Street bus stop is moving a block north.  The stop that was located in front of 7 by 7 Restaurant and the Parlour Sweet House will now be located next to the Scotiabank building. The work to move the signage will be completed today and the new stop will be in effect. Passengers are asked to watch for the movement of the signs and respect Covid-19 social distance with the workers on site. 

Municipal Property Tax Financing Program deadline approaching

June 26, 2020

SYDNEY, NS - The deadline for applications for the CBRM Property Tax Financing Program is coming up on June 30. 

The municipality is offering property tax financing help for owners of residential and commercial properties negatively affected by the COVID-19 global pandemic. 

Residential home owners and commercial property owners who have experienced a significant reduction in income can apply.

The program sets a $25 monthly payment for the next 6 months and the remainder of the tax bill will be divided by 24 to determine the monthly amount for the following 24 months. An interest rate of 1.35 per cent will be applied to the monthly payments. The financing program assists taxpayers in avoiding late payment charges as tax accounts in arrears are subject to 10 per cent interest on unpaid balances. June 30 is the payment deadline for interim tax bills.  

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Tow Truck Licensing By-Law: Notice of Second Reading


By-Law for Second (Final) Reading by Council

TAKE NOTICE that the following By-Law will be brought to Council for second (final)
reading on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. The Public Hearing will be held
online via video conferencing and can be viewed on YouTube:

By-Law Intent
Tow Truck Licensing By-Law
• To establish a system to regulate towing of
vehicles for CBRM

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Street closure - Chisholm St. Sydney Mines

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cape Breton Regional Municipality intends to close a 50 feet wide by 145 feet in depth (more or less) portion of Chisholm Street, Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia, measuring approximately 7250 square feet +/- more or less, which is more particularly delineated on a plan of survey prepared by Northside Surveys, NSLS, dated 12 November 1991.

A public hearing in relation to the closing of a portion of the said Street will be held on Tuesday, the 23rd day of June 2020, at 1:30 p.m. at which time Council will hear those in favor and those opposed to the closing of a portion of this street.

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Notice of expropriation - owner unknown

June 17, 2020


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all interests in the parcel of land situated at Mud Lake, Mira Road District, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Province of Nova Scotia, as more particularly described hereto, have been expropriated by the Cape Breton Regional Municipality for the purpose of construction of a flow control structure for flood mitigation purposes and works related thereto. 

The description of the property that has been expropriated is as follows: 

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Transit Cape Breton service expands on Monday

JUNE 12, 2020

SYDNEY, NS - Transit Cape Breton is taking more steps toward normal operations starting on Monday, June 15.

Most routes will see enhanced frequency and additional Saturday service.

Passengers are asked to wear masks because social distance cannot be guaranteed on the buses.

Sunday service is not yet back in service.

Regular schedules will resume on Route 1 between Sydney and Glace Bay on Monday to Saturday. 

Route 3 and 4, the Glace Bay Steele Hill route, now includes Saturday service.

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Property tax financing help is available

June 5, 2020

Financing program begins with 6 months of $25 payments 

SYDNEY, NS – Property tax bills are due on June 30 and Cape Breton Regional Municipality has a program to assist residents affected by the COVID-19 State of Emergency. 

The Municipal Property Tax Financing Program is available for eligible residential and commercial property owners. 

Property owners who own a residential property and have experienced a significant reduction in income due to the State of Emergency may be eligible. 

Taxable commercial properties, such as shopping, office, industrial, and farm properties may also be eligible if they have experienced financial hardship through loss of revenue related to the State of Emergency. 

A property that is used for tourist accommodations and is registered under the Tourist Accommodations Registration Act, such as hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts are also eligible. 

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NOTICE: Public Participation

May 29, 2020

CBRM Council is considering amendments to the text of the Municipal Planning Strategy and Subdivision By-law to acknowledge the submission of digital plans of subdivision related to applications for subdivision approval.

If you would like more information on the proposed amendments or would like to provide comments please contact PlanningConsult@cbrm.ns.ca

Comments received by June 10th, 2020 will be forwarded to Council for their consideration.

Grant program adjusted to help impacted organizations

May 28, 2020

SYDNEY, NS - Cape Breton Regional Municipality’s Mayor and Council have approved changes to the application criteria for the Sustainability Fund to address challenges arising from COVID-19 and the Province of Nova Scotia’s State of Emergency.  

Maintaining operations is a challenge for the non-profit sector due to current fundraising challenges.  A proposal to widen the eligibility to apply was proposed by the Municipality’s CAO Marie Walsh. 

“Non-profit and charitable organizations are on the front lines of our communities in good times and in times like these,” said Walsh. “They play a vital role in building healthy communities by providing critical services that contribute to economic stability.”     

The current Municipal Grants Policy allows funding for limited types of operating cost.  For this year only, the municipality will change the following: 

  1. There will be no requirement or expectation of active fundraising efforts.
  2. Grants will not be limited to just the not-for-profit and charitable organizations who are providing services generally delivered or complementing a service otherwise provided by CBRM.
  3. Applicants must demonstrate the need for funding by providing prior year financial statements along with current up to date financial information.
  4. This is not a replacement for lost revenue or for wage subsidies but strictly to address shortfalls in operating costs.
  5. The Province of Nova Scotia must provide matching funding. 

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