CBRM Prepares for Hurricane Arthur

July 3, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - CBRM emergency officials received a briefing from the Canadian Hurricane Center this afternoon regarding the possible threats from Hurricane Arthur.

Current projected track of Hurricane Arthur will bring significant wind to the CBRM, with gusts from 70 - 100km throughout the day on Saturday. At this time, rainfall amounts are not expected to be extreme, but significant rainfall is expected.

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CBRM Council welcomes news of pedestrian and cycle overpass

June 18, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - Cyclists and pedestrians will have a safer path through one of Sydney's busiest intersections.

The provincial government has confirmed they will construct an overpass over the 125 highway to connect downtown Sydney and the Grand Lake Road multi-use trail at the Mayflower Mall. The overpass is part of the municipality's Active Transportation Plan, but its future was in doubt as the province was opposed to constructing it.

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Cape Breton better served by an expanded CBC: Clarke

June 18, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - Cape Breton would be better served if the reach of CBC Cape Breton was expanded, not reduced says Mayor Cecil Clarke.

Cape Breton Regional Municipality's mayor wrote to the President of CBC to suggest that the whole island would benefit from a larger coverage area for CBC Cape Breton's Sydney broadcast.

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Road maintenance work to increase

Contracted asphalt work to begin, CBRM awaiting funding from other levels of government

May 27, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - Activity on road repairs is expected to ramp up significantly in the coming days.

Cape Breton Regional Municipality crews repair potholes with recycled asphalt technology throughout the year, but manufactured hot asphalt is not available during winter months. Over $700,000 in contracted asphalt work begins when the asphalt plants open this week.

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Provincial funds mostly all factored in CBRM budget: Clarke

May 22, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - The province has confirmed $725,000 in funding from existing municipal programs, but it will have little impact on CBRM's budget as the funding was already expected and calculated, Mayor Cecil Clarke said today.

Clarke spoke with Municipal Affairs Minister Mark Furey during budget deliberations on Wednesday and today received confirmation of the funding available. The province confirmed $425,000 for transit, $250,000 for wastewater program planning and $50,000 for recreation planning.

Clarke says the transit funding is actually lower than expected as CBRM had calculated $480,000 in the 2014/15 capital budget.

The $250,000 for wastewater planning will allow CBRM to reallocate gas tax to local roads, but in all, the municipality is only ahead by $195,000 which must be applied to capital costs such as roads, not operating pressures like services.

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Residential Heavy Garbage Collection set for Monday, May 5th, 2014

April 22nd, 2014

CBRM, NS – The CBRM Solid Waste Department's annual Heavy Garbage collection is scheduled for Monday, May 5th, 2014. Residents who live at properties eligible for curbside collection must have their large, heavy or bulky materials curbside no later than 6 a.m. on Monday May 5th. To review the guidelines for Heavy Garbage Collection, residents are encouraged to visit the CBRM website at www.cbrm.ns.ca or phone the Waste Management hotline at 567-1337. Educators are available to answer questions about Heavy Garbage Collection from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.

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National Day of Honour to be commemorated by CBRM and Cape Breton Highlanders

May 5, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - The Cape Breton Regional Municipality and Cape Breton Highlanders are hosting a ceremony to mark the National Day of Honour in recognition of Canada's military mission in Afghanistan.

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Mayor and Council to host One Nova Scotia summit for CBRM residents

April 11, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - In response to the One Nova Scotia report released on February 15, Cape Breton Regional Municipality council voted unanimously to host a summit to review the report and to provide a thoughtful community response.

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CBRM council hears staff recommendations for cuts, reorganization

Proposed balanced budget plan for CBRM includes staff cuts, $17 million in savings over 5 years

March 25, 2014

SYDNEY, NS - Cape Breton Regional Municipality council heard initial staff recommendations today for $17 million in cost cutting over the next five years.

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CBRM budget-making at "impasse": Clarke

March 21, 2014

Watch the press conference video here.

SYDNEY, NS: Cape Breton Regional Municipality Mayor Cecil Clarke said today that Nova Scotia's second-largest municipality can not conclude its budget process next week as expected.

"At this point we are unable to balance the budget without tax increases, cuts or reduction of services because of a steady increase in costs added by the province," said Mayor Clarke. "We are at an impasse. We are postponing our budget deliberations. We need the provincial government's Municipal Affairs officials to be a serious partner as we move forward."

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