Curbside Compliance
Curbside Non-Compliance Visits
The Solid Waste Constable and the Solid Waste Education Coordinator visit neighborhoods following the area's collection day to see if uncollected or tagged waste materials have been removed from the curb. Residents are responsible for removing any garbage or blue bags that have been left uncollected or tagged following their collection day.
These visits are completed to reduce and address unsightly litter created from uncollected garbage and blue bags left curbside following an area's collection day.
If you are unsure of why your materials were missed or not collected contact the Solid Waste Department. Educators are available to answer your questions.

A package is provided to residents who are visited. If no one is home, a package is left in the mailbox.

Curbside Non-Compliance Sticker

Curbside Collection Reminder: Clear garbage bags
Residents can place a maximum of five clear garbage bags curbside per week. A resident can choose to replace one clear garbage bag with one optional dark garbage bag per week.