Litter Information
Litter Stands Out
Let's all do our part to keep our community litter-free.

For more information visit Litter Information
Litter Cleanups
Are you interested in picking up litter around your neighborhood? If so, contact the Solid Waste Hotline at (902) 567-1337. The solid waste department will provide bags and gloves to individuals and groups interested in doing a litter cleanup. If we all work together, we can make a difference. For more information on making litter a thing of the past, contact the hotline.
Litter Prevention

- Hold on to items you want to get rid of until you can place them in the garbage, green cart or blue bag.
- Pick up litter that you see when you are outside enjoying our beautiful community. These small actions can have a lasting impact.
- Make sure any waste you are transporting in the back of an open truck or trailer is covered with a tarp or tied down and secure before traveling to the Waste Management Facility.
- Make sure there is no loose litter or debris thrown in the back of your truck or trailer before traveling on roadways. This material can escape from a moving vehicle.
- Keep a litter bag inside your vehicle for garbage you generate while traveling.
- At the end of the collection day, if your garbage and/or blue bags have not been removed by the collectors, please remove them from the curb. It is your responsibility to remove uncollected materials after 9pm on your area's collection day.