Litter Information


Litter Stands Out


Let's all do our part to keep our community litter-free.


Litter Stands out on Road Ways littler campaign.jpg 2023

For more information visit Litter Information


Litter Cleanups

Are you interested in picking up litter around your neighborhood? If so, contact the Solid Waste Hotline at (902) 567-1337. The solid waste department will provide bags and gloves to individuals and groups interested in doing a litter cleanup. If we all work together, we can make a difference. For more information on making litter a thing of the past, contact the hotline.


Litter 2022 


Litter Prevention

litter in bushes 2022


  • Hold on to items you want to get rid of until you can place them in the garbage, green cart or blue bag.
  • Pick up litter that you see when you are outside enjoying our beautiful community. These small actions can have a lasting impact.
  • Make sure any waste you are transporting in the back of an open truck or trailer is covered with a tarp or tied down and secure before traveling to the Waste Management Facility.
  • Make sure there is no loose litter or debris thrown in the back of your truck or trailer before traveling on roadways. This material can escape from a moving vehicle.
  • Keep a litter bag inside your vehicle for garbage you generate while traveling.
  • At the end of the collection day, if your garbage and/or blue bags have not been removed by the collectors, please remove them from the curb.  It is your responsibility to remove uncollected materials after 9pm on your area's collection day.


 litter 2017