Waste Management Facility


The Solid Waste Department


The Solid Waste Department oversees Solid Waste Management in CBRM. The department is responsible for collecting, managing, processing, disposing and/or shipping solid waste generated by the Residential, Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) sectors.


The department accepts, manages, processes and properly ships or disposes, of Construction and Demolition Debris (C&D) generated by the residential or ICI sector.  


Commercial Tipping Fees


The ICI sector dropping off waste to the Waste Management Site is charged a tipping fee.  The tipping fee charged is based on the materials being dropped off.


The residential sector dropping off waste to the Waste Management site is not charged a tipping fee.

 Waste Management Facility Spar Road 2020


Northside Public Drop-Off Site:  Open Saturday, April 5, 2025


The Northside Public Drop-Off Site located off King Street in North Sydney is Open Saturday, April 5 from 8am to 2:45pm. 


2025 Northside Public Drop-Off Site Schedule

The Northside Public Drop-off Site located off King Street in North Sydney is open the first Saturday of each month from 8am to 2:45pm.  The Northside Public Drop-Off site will open the following Saturdays in 2025:

Saturday, April 5, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, May 3, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, June 7, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, July 5, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, August 2, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, September 6, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, October 4, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, November 1, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.

Saturday, December 6, 2025: 8am to 2:45pm.


Unsecure Loads:  Enforcement


The constable continues to monitor vehicles transporting waste materials to make sure it is contained, properly tarped and secure when travelling on roads or streets. 


Charge for an Unsecure Load


Motor Vehicle Act: 

Dropping Contents of Vehicle and Mudguards

199 (1) No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless the vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent its contents from dropping, shifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom. The fine for this offence is $237.50


securing your load monioring picture 2


2025 Free Compost Giveaway Schedule


The  Free Compost Giveaway will resume the Spring of 2025. Each event starts at 8am and concludes at 3pm.  Rain or Shine.  The location of each Compost Giveaway is 149 Spar Road in Sydney.  


compost for compost giveaway event

Compost Giveaway Reminders:

  • The compost giveaway begins at 8am and concludes at 3pm RAIN or SHINE.
  • Bring your own shovel, gloves, bags, or containers.
  • Compost must be covered with a tarp before leaving site. No person will be permitted to leave site with exposed compost.
  • Please do not apply compost directly to grass, plants, trees, or shrubs. Mix it in with soil first, before applying.  For more information on how to mix and use compost, contact the waste management hotline to speak with an educator.


Solid Waste Disposal Tipping Fee Schedule:  Effective April 1, 2024


The Solid Waste Department will increase the Waste Disposal Tipping Fees as per the CBRM Solid Waste Management Policy every April 1. The tipping fees for April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025 are in the link below.

Solid Waste Disposal Tipping Fee Schedule 2024 2025



Seasonal Leaf and Yard Drop-Off Sites


The weekly seasonal leaf and yard drop-off sites open one day a week between mid-May and mid-November in North Sydney, Glace Bay and New Waterford have closed for the season. These sites will re-open the week of May 4, 2025.  For more information on the weekly schedule for the seasonal drop-off sites, visit Leaf and Yard Waste Drop-Off Seasonal Schedule To find out what's accepted for disposal at the season leaf and yard drop-off sites visit Accepted leaf and yard waste.


 yard debris pile 2

 tree debris picture 2019


The Leaf and Yard Drop-Off Site located at the Waste Management Facility on Spar Road in Sydney is open year-round.  Residents can drop off leaf and yard waste 8am to 4pm Tuesday to Saturday.


Waste Management Facility:  Waste Disposal Tipping Fees


Waste Disposal Tipping Fee Schedule 1:  Effective April 1, 2024




(Residual Mixed Waste)

ICI Sector = $113.26/tonne Residual mixed waste - RMW (Garbage) tip fee will be charged to the ICI (Institutional/Commercial/Industrial) sectors only.
Residential - No Charge

C&D Unsorted

(Construction & Demolition)

ICI Sector = $113.26/tonne Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste tip fee will be charged to the ICI (Institutional/Commercial/Industrial) sectors only.
Residential - No Charge

C&D Wood

(Construction & Demolition

ICI Sector = $56.63/tonne Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste tip fee will be charged to the ICI (Institutional/Commercial/Industrial) sectors only.
Residential - No Charge
Impacted Soil ICI Sector = $42.47/tonne Impacted soil waste tip fee will be charged to the ICI (Institutional/Commercial/Industrial) sectors only.
Residential - No Charge
Scrap Metal ICI Sector = $42.47/tonne Scrap metal waste tip fee will be charged to the ICI (Institutional/Commercial/Industrial) sectors only.
Residential - No Charge
Organics ICI Sector = $70.79/tonne Organics waste tip fee will be charged to the ICI (Institutional/Commercial/Industrial)sectors only.
Residential - No Charge
Organics Unsorted (Contaminated) ICI Sector = $113.26/tonne Unsorted or contaminated Organics waste tip fee will be charged to the ICI (Institutional/Commercial/Industrial) sectors only.
Residential - No Charge

ICI Sector = Friable $42.47/regulation bag - minimum charge = $600.00

Non-Friable = $113.26/tonne

Prior notice and approval is required before material arrival.  Phone Waste Management Facility Site at        (902)567-1337

Residential - No Charge
Leaf and Yard Waste No Charge No charge for Leaf and Yard Waste


Solid Waste Management Facility: 


145 Sydney Port Access Road (Spar Road) in Sydney.


Hours of Operation

Open 8:00am to 4:00pm Tuesday to Saturday.

Closed on Sundays and Mondays.


Solid Waste Management Administration Office

Open 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

Closed on Saturdays and Sundays.


Waste Management Hotline

Phone (902) 567-1337. Educators are available to respond to inquiries from 8:30am to 4pm Monday to Friday.